I am building a line graph with D3.js. When the user mouses over the graph, I would like to draw a vertical line on the graph, highlight its intersection with the chart lines, a
I know this has already been marked as answered, but for future googlers for whom this shows up as a top result... A working example for a vertical line on mouseover can be found here: http://bl.ocks.org/WillTurman/4631136
Here's the relevant portion of the code for the vertical line:
var vertical = d3.select(".chart")
.attr("class", "remove")
.style("position", "absolute")
.style("z-index", "19")
.style("width", "1px")
.style("height", "380px")
.style("top", "10px")
.style("bottom", "30px")
.style("left", "0px")
.style("background", "#fff");
.on("mousemove", function(){
mousex = d3.mouse(this);
mousex = mousex[0] + 5;
vertical.style("left", mousex + "px" )})
.on("mouseover", function(){
mousex = d3.mouse(this);
mousex = mousex[0] + 5;
vertical.style("left", mousex + "px")});
This might help you to get a bit further (I have no experience with D3 at all):
it seems to work as you would expect.