Currently if I have an error with an ajax request such as submitting a form (I\'m using ASP.NET MVC 3) it will show something like \'Internal Server Error\'.
But if I do
Although I wouldnt recommend showing the user an error number with the actual response error message this is how you can do this by adding the error
error: function(xhr,err){
alert("readyState: "+xhr.readyState+"\nstatus: "+xhr.status);
alert("responseText: "+xhr.responseText);
xhr is XmlHttpRequest.
readyState values are 1:loading, 2:loaded, 3:interactive, 4:complete.
status is the HTTP status number, i.e. 404: not found, 500: server error, 200: ok.
responseText is the response from the server - this could be text or JSON from the web service, or HTML from the web server.
This code will replace the current page's contents with the error that came back from the ajax request.
jQuery(document).ajaxError(function (event, request, settings) {
if (request.status === 500) {
} else if (request.status === 401) {
// redirect to login, 401 means session is expired.
window.location.href = "login page url";