I am just opening my xcode , when i open my current project its showing the warning like \"xcode quit unexpectedly \" with 3 options \"Ignore\",\"Report\" and \"Reopen\",whe
I am using Xcode 8.3
Go to ~/Library/Developer/Xcode
Delete Derived Data folder and it works for me.
May help you.
I also have this bug with XCode 10.3. In my case i launch app -> it displays alert "Quits unexpectedly" and it doesn't matter what i choose: to reopen or not - it crashes again.
Solution: Reboot Mac :))
go to [ProjectName].xcworkspace file.Right click. Show package contents. Delete xcuserdata folder. After deleting, run the project it will work for sure.
My Solved that worked
/// Please dont delete .pbxproj
Try to open your project and work :)
Open project folder show package contents from .xcworkspace or .xcodeproj You will see 2 folders xcshareddata and xcuserdata Please remove xcuserdata folder Try to open application
Deleting Derived Data worked for me. Just open another project or open xcode without opening your corrupted project. Than open preferences and go locations tab at the end. Click gray circle with arrow (where all your projects derived data are saved.)
Delete your corrupted project's derived data in there and you are good to go.