Something that really would like to know but never found out are shortcuts in PHP.
I am currently coding a function with a foreach
loop with just a sing
As have said you don't wanna learn about shorthand's and accepted answer gives good example about omitting curly braces
, but there is something to add. As you can see it's fine to omit curly braces
in case of if ($x) echo 'foo';
. There is nothing wrong with code, no performance or other issues and it is readable by other developers. And example also shows you that if you write
if ($x)
echo 'foo';
echo 'bar';
instead of
if ($x)
echo 'foo';
echo 'bar';
You can run into unwanted results where bar
is printed while you don't want it to be printed and if your code is full of such statements then it will make it harder for you to read your own code and even more harder for others to read it.
I don't wanna learn about shorthand's I just want to understand the conditions about when and where it is possible to omit the curly brackets.
These things are closely related so if you really want to understand where it is possible to omit curly brackets then that should be a must that you understand or are at least aware of shorthand's , have read
So my big question is: When can I omit the curly braces and in which structure/loop/function?
The curly brace is not required however, for readability and maintenance, many developers would consider it bad style not to include them. Previous 2 links should give you information needed to make your own decisions when you could omit curly brace. for example there is nothing wrong with following code snippets which all do exactly same thing.
With curly brace
if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 70000)
print "PHP >= 7.0 required yours is ";
print phpversion();
print "\n";
Is same as
if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 70000) :
print "PHP >= 7.0 required yours is ";
print phpversion();
print "\n";
Or you can use the dot operator
if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 80000)
(print "PHP >= 7.0 required yours is ") . (print phpversion()) . (print "\n") . exit(1);
And you can make use of the ternary conditional operator and even omit if
it self besides omitting curly braces
(PHP_VERSION_ID > 70000) ?: (print "PHP >= 7.0 required yours is ") . (print phpversion()) . (print "\n") . exit(1);
Since we only print we can shorten that and strip some print string functions
which were here to represent more than one function in statement without curly braces
(PHP_VERSION_ID > 70000) ?: (print "PHP >= 7.0 required yours is " . phpversion() . "\n") . exit(1);
As from php 7 we can use Null coalescing operator
(PHP_VERSION_ID > 70000) ?: null ?? (print "PHP >= 7.0 required yours is ".phpversion() . "\n") . exit(1);
As one can see that there is many ways you can get exactly the same result. That not only applies for this if
example but same can be practiced with structure/loop/function
. So there is no one answer for your big question. One should consider mainly following.
To complement @Marko's answer, be aware that when using the dot operator for this matter, you should enclose each operation in parentheses, otherwise it will reverse the order.
For instance, this code below will print PHP >= 7.0 required yours is 5.6.15
(print "PHP >= 7.0 required yours is ") . (print phpversion()) . (print "\n");
While this will print 5.6.151PHP >= 7.0 required yours is 1
print("PHP >= 7.0 required yours is ") . print(phpversion()) . print("\n");
You can also use the and
operator for this to work. Like so:
if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 70000)
print("PHP >= 7.0 required yours is ") and
print(phpversion()) and
PHP shorthand expression was available since PHP 5.3
$condition ? $value_if_true : $value_if_false
$a ? $b : ( $c ? $d : ( $e ? $f : $g ) )
It's possible when you have only one expression after your clause/
For example,
foreach($var as $value)
if(1 + 1 == 2) {
$arr[] = $value;
is correct, but
foreach($var as $value)
$somevar = $var;
if(1 + 1 == 2) {
$arr[] = $value;
is not, and php interpreter will think that if
statement is outside foreach
For single line statements.
If you tried to do
foreach($array as $x => $y)
$do_something = $x;
$do_something_else = $y;
Unless I am mistaken the php interpreter will take the second line under the foreach statement as being outside of the implied braces
Due to the indentation if you came back to this code at a later date, or another developer looked at your work it would be confusing.
As such it is generally wise to always use braces with these statements. It will save later headache/confusion
I omit curly braces in my PHP templates. E.g. you can use loops as follows:
<?php foreach ($var as $value): ?>
<li><?php echo $value; ?></li>
<?php endforeach; ?>