I\'m trying to do an order query that finds records nearest to the current_user.
I know the distance between the two points is: current_location.euclidean_distance
Look at the ST_Distance documentation in PostGIS.
If you dont NEED to use PostGIS, geo-kit does this perfectly using google or yahoo (I've only used Google) and in your queries you can sort by distance, its awesome..
To wrap this up, with everyone's help I've got it working how I wanted:
order("ST_Distance(items.position, ST_GeomFromText('POINT (#{current_location.y} #{current_location.x})', #{SRID}))")
Just in case somebody stumbles upon this issue in rails 4. I am using rgeo gem and this works for me
scope :closest, ->(point) { order("ST_Distance(lonlat, ST_GeomFromText('# {point.as_text}', #{SRID}))").limit(5) }
If you really want to find literally the 5 records nearest to the current_user, consider neighborhood search, which is supported by KNN index in PostGIS 2.0 (see '<->' operator):
SELECT * FROM your_table ORDER BY your_table.geom <-> ST_Geomfromtext(your point as wkt, 1000) LIMIT 5
To get the 5 closest:
SELECT * FROM your_table
ORDER BY ST_Distance(your_table.geom, ST_Geomfromtext(your point as wkt))
limit 5;
If you have a big dataset and know that you don't want to search further than , say 1 km, the query will be more efficient if you do:
SELECT * FROM your_table
WHERE ST_DWithin(your_table.geom, ST_Geomfromtext(your point as wkt, 1000)
ORDER BY ST_Distance(your_table.geom, ST_Geomfromtext(your point as wkt))
limit 5;