I am running a program which loads 20 GB data to the memory at first. Then I will do N (> 1000) independent tasks where each of them may use (read only) part of the 20 GB data.
In linux, forked processes have a copy-on-write view of the parent address space. forking is light-weight and the same program runs in both the parent and the child, except that the child takes a different execution path. As a small exmample,
import os
var = "unchanged"
pid = os.fork()
if pid:
print('parent:', os.getpid(), var)
os.waitpid(pid, 0)
print('child:', os.getpid(), var)
var = "changed"
# show parent and child views
print(os.getpid(), var)
Results in
parent: 22642 unchanged
child: 22643 unchanged
22643 changed
22642 unchanged
Applying this to multiprocessing, in this example I load data into a global variable. Since python pickles the data sent to the process pool, I make sure it pickles something small like an index and have the worker get the global data itself.
import multiprocessing as mp
import os
my_big_data = "well, bigger than this"
def worker(index):
"""get char in big data"""
return my_big_data[index]
if __name__ == "__main__":
pool = mp.Pool(os.cpu_count())
for c in pool.imap_unordered(worker, range(len(my_big_data)), chunksize=1):
Windows does not have a fork-and-exec model for running programs. It has to start a new instance of the python interpreter and clone all relevant data to the child. This is a heavy lift!