I have a fdb file (firebird) from a new client (he doesn\'t know the version). I have tried to use some GUI to access the database, but with no luck. All of them tell that its m
To fix Flamerobin - missing gds32.dll or fbclient.dll problem:
Installing the correct version resolved my problem.
I had exactly the same problem on Windows 7 64bits. Solution is:
regsvr32 fbclient
& regsvr32 GDS32.DLL
on both folders. Even when getting error messages, I ignored them.That's it!
You need a running Firebird server in order to access your database. If you just want to access the data, then the easiest way would be:
If the database will be accessed by an old application later on, then you have to:
The firebird server was installed, but I dont know why something was wrong. So, I uninstalled all the firebird packages and installed again. I think I have installed on the wrong order, cause I have installed the ODBC (Firebird_ODBC_2.0.1.152_Win32) before the firebird.
Now everything is ok.
Reinstall the firebird, and check that you want to install dll trought the installation.