I\'m very new to gitlab and gitlab CI and I have put a pipeline in place that is successfully completing. My master and development branches are protected so a merge request is
Another approach it to:
Open a merge request with a patch via email
GitLab has supported opening a merge request via email for a long time, but before sending the email the branch must already exist on the server. Now you can open a merge request with only an email by attaching one or more patch files (
).Patch files are the standard for sharing and transmitting changes between systems. In future releases of GitLab we will build on this foundation for distributed merge requests, which will allow merge requests between GitLab instances, and other Git hosting tools too.
See documentation and issue.
Short Answer: Sure - anything's possible. GitLab has a great API (including creating an MR). But I think going that route is bad form. You should utilize GitLab as it's designed. You're starting your Merge Request too late. Start it before you begin any work and your Merge Request will remain open the entire duration of your branch.
Long Answer: This is the ideal GitLab workflow:
This is fundamentally backward from the way GitHub works (which I came from) where you don't have to tell people what you're working on.
EDIT: It sounds like you're interested in leveraging the API. There's a python package called 'python-gitlab' actually that works decently http://python-gitlab.readthedocs.io/en/stable/gl_objects/mrs.html
import gitlab
import os
origin = "https://gitlab.example.com"
# Private token is set as an env var
gl = gitlab.Gitlab(origin, private_token, api_version='4')
def create_merge_request(origin, private_token):
mr = project.mergerequests.create({'source_branch': 'cool_feature',
'target_branch': 'master',
'title': 'merge cool feature',
'labels': ['label1', 'label2']})
mr.assignee_id = gl.users.get(2).id # Assign it to coworker
def lookup_last_pipeline(origin, private_token):
current_pipeline_id = os.environ['CI_PIPELINE_ID']
pipelines = gl.projects.get(os.environ['CI_PROJECT_ID']).pipelines.list()
for pipeline in pipelines:
if pipeline.status == 'success' and pipeline.id == current_pipeline_id:
This is of course an example, you'll have to adapt it to your precise needs.
In order to achieve my simple needs, I simply added a final stage to my pipeline which essentially executes a bash script adapted from this post.
EDIT: As requested by @Yuva
# Create a pull request on pipeline success
stage: createMR
- autoMR
- 'echo Merge request opened by $GITLAB_USER_NAME '
- ~/commit.sh
and in commit.sh
# This script was adapted from:
# https://about.gitlab.com/2017/09/05/how-to-automatically-create-a-new-mr-on-gitlab-with-gitlab-ci/
# TODO determine URL from git repository URL
[[ $HOST =~ ^https?://[^/]+ ]] && HOST="${BASH_REMATCH[0]}/api/v4/projects/"
# The branch which we wish to merge into
# The user's token name so that we can open the merge request as the user
# See: http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/parameter-substitution.html search ${!varprefix*}, ${!varprefix@} section
# The description of our new MR, we want to remove the branch after the MR has
# been closed
\"project_id\": ${CI_PROJECT_ID},
\"source_branch\": \"${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}\",
\"target_branch\": \"${TARGET_BRANCH}\",
\"remove_source_branch\": false,
\"force_remove_source_branch\": false,
\"allow_collaboration\": true,
\"subscribed\" : true,
\"title\": \"${GITLAB_USER_NAME} merge request for: ${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}\"
# Require a list of all the merge request and take a look if there is already
# one with the same source branch
LISTMR=`curl --silent "${HOST}${CI_PROJECT_ID}/merge_requests?state=opened" --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN:${PRIVATE_TOKEN}"`;
COUNTBRANCHES=`echo ${LISTMR} | grep -o "\"source_branch\":\"${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}\"" | wc -l`;
# No MR found, let's create a new one
if [ ${COUNTBRANCHES} -eq "0" ]; then
curl -X POST "${HOST}${CI_PROJECT_ID}/merge_requests" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data "${BODY}";
echo "Opened a new merge request: WIP: ${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG} for user ${GITLAB_USER_LOGIN}";
echo "No new merge request opened"