Can Hibernate work with MySQL's “ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE” syntax?

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隐瞒了意图╮ 2020-11-27 05:20

MySQL supports an \"INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ...\" syntax that allows you to \"blindly\" insert into the database, and fall back to updating the exist

  • 2020-11-27 05:40

    Have you looked at the Hibernate @SQLInsert Annotation?

    @SQLInsert(sql="INSERT INTO story_count(id, view_count) VALUES (?, ?)
     ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE view_count = view_count + 1" )
    public class StoryCount
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  • 2020-11-27 05:44

    This is an old question, but I was having a similar issue and figured I would add to this topic. I needed to add a log to an existing StatelessSession audit log writer. The existing implementation was using a StatelessSession because the caching behavior of the standard session implementation was unnecessary overhead and we did not want our hibernate listeners to fire for audit log writing. This implementation was about achieving as high a write performance as possible with no interactions.

    However, the new log type needed to use an insert-else-update type of behavior, where we intend to update existing log entries with a transaction time as a "flagging" type of behavior. In a StatelessSession, saveOrUpdate() is not offered so we needed to implement the insert-else-update manually.

    In light of these requirements:

    You can use the mysql "insert ... on duplicate key update" behavior via a custom sql-insert for the hibernate persistent object. You can define the custom sql-insert clause either via annotation (as in the above answer) or via a sql-insert entity a hibernate xml mapping, e.g.:

    <class name="SearchAuditLog" table="search_audit_log" persister="com.marin.msdb.vo.SearchAuditLog$UpsertEntityPersister">
        <composite-id name="LogKey" class="SearchAuditLog$LogKey">
        <!--  the ordering of the properties is intentional and explicit in the upsert sql below  -->
            insert into search_audit_log (transaction_time, client_id, object_type, object_id)
            values (?,?,?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE transaction_time=now()

    The original poster asks about MySQL specifically. When I implemented the insert-else-update behavior with mysql I was getting exceptions when the 'update path' of the sql exectued. Specifically, mysql was reporting 2 rows were changed when only 1 row was updated (ostensibly because the existing row is delete and the new row is inserted). See this issue for more detail on that particular feature.

    So when the update returned 2x the number of rows affected to hibernate, hibernate was throwing a BatchedTooManyRowsAffectedException, would roll back the transaction, and propogate the exception. Even if you were to catch the exception and handle it, the transaction had already been rolled back by that point.

    After some digging I found that this was an issue with the entity persister that hibernate was using. In my case hibernate was using SingleTableEntityPersister, which defines an Expectation that the number of rows updated should match the number of rows defined in the batch operation.

    The final tweak necessary to get this behavior to work was to define a custom persister (as shown in the above xml mapping). In this instance all we had to do was extend the SingleTableEntityPersister and 'override' the insert Expectation. E.g. I just tacked this static class onto the persistence object and define it as the custom persister in the hibernate mapping:

    public static class UpsertEntityPersister extends SingleTableEntityPersister {
        public UpsertEntityPersister(PersistentClass arg0, EntityRegionAccessStrategy arg1, SessionFactoryImplementor arg2, Mapping arg3) throws HibernateException {
            super(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);
            this.insertResultCheckStyles[0] = ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle.NONE;

    It took quite a while digging through hibernate code to find this - I wasn't able to find any topics on the net with a solution to this.

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  • 2020-11-27 05:46

    If you are using Grails, I found this solution which did not require moving your Domain class into the JAVA world and using @SQLInsert annotations:

    1. Create a custom Hibernate Configuration
    2. Override the PersistentClass Map
    3. Add your custom INSERT sql to the Persistent Classes you want using the ON DUPLICATE KEY.

    For example, if you have a Domain object called Person and you want to INSERTS to be INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE you would create a configuration like so:

    public class MyCustomConfiguration extends GrailsAnnotationConfiguration {
        public MyCustomConfiguration() {
            classes = new HashMap<String, PersistentClass>() {
                public PersistentClass put(String key, PersistentClass value) {
                    if (Person.class.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(key)) {
                        value.setCustomSQLInsert("insert into person (version, created_by_id, date_created, last_updated, name) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) on duplicate key update id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id)", true, ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle.COUNT);
                    return super.put(key, value);

    and add this as your Hibernate Configuration in DataSource.groovy:

    dataSource {
        pooled = true
        driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
        configClass = 'MyCustomConfiguration'

    Just a note to be careful using LAST_INSERT_ID, as this will NOT be set correctly if the UPDATE is executed instead of the INSERT unless you set it explicitly in the statement, e.g. id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id). I haven't checked where GORM gets the ID from, but I'm assuming somewhere it is using LAST_INSERT_ID.

    Hope this helps.

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