I\'m quite long description that I want to truncate using truncate helper. So i\'m using the:
truncate article.description, :length => 200, :omission => \
I would suggest doing this on your own in a helper method, that way you'll have a little more control over the output as well:
def article_description article
output = h truncate(article.description, length: 200, omission: '...')
output += link_to('[more]', article_path(article)) if article.description.size > 200
has a block form of truncate, which lets you use a link_to
that isn't escaped, while still escaping the truncated text:
truncate("<script>alert('hello world')</script>") { link_to "Read More", "#" }
#=> <script>alert('hello world'...<a href="#">Read More</a>
The only one that worked for me :
<%= truncate(@article.content, length: 200, omission: " ... %s") % link_to('read more', article_path(@article)) %>
I had the same problem, in my case i just used :escape => false
That worked:
truncate article.description, :length => 200, :omission => "... #{link_to('[more]', articles_path(article)}", :escape => false
From documentation :
The result is marked as HTML-safe, but it is escaped by default, unless :escape is false.... link: http://apidock.com/rails/ActionView/Helpers/TextHelper/truncate
With Rails 4, you can/should pass in a block for the link:
truncate("Once upon a time in a world far far away",
length: 10,
separator: ' ',
omission: '... ') {
link_to "Read more", "#"
I encountered a similar situation and this did the trick. Try (line breaks for readability):
(truncate h(article.description),
:length => 200,
:omission => "... #{link_to('[more]',articles_path(article)}")
You can use h to ensure sanity of article description, and since you are setting the link_to to a path you know to not be something potentially nefarious, you can mark the resulting string as html_safe without concern.