What\'s the best way to create a download link? Is there a better way than the following?
I was thinking of using link_to \"Download\", :controller => ..., :act
You could just have your download logic in your show action and give it:
<%= link_to "Download", document_path(document) %>
I'm pretty sure that the :controller / :action / :id method of linking is frowned upon.
I add the download action as a restful route in a resources block. Here's typical code for me:
resources :things do
member do
get :download
has_attached_file :document,
:path => ':rails_root/assets/documents/:id/:basename.:extension'
attr_protected :document_file_name, :document_content_type, :document_file_size
def download
send_file @thing.document.path, :type => 'application/pdf', :filename => @thing.permalink
<%= link_to 'Download', download_thing_path(@thing) %>
This keeps the user on the same page, and just initiates the download with my suggested name (I use permalink).
What do you mean by dynamically generated? Are they uploaded by you or created by your application on the fly?
I've just created a Download .mp3 link and used in my .htaccess file.
<Files *.mp3>
ForceType application/octet-stream
Header set Content-Disposition attachment
I found this to be easier than any other solution.