I have the following code in my dto class.
public void setBillDate(Date billDate) {
this.billDate = billDate;
And I get an error in s
A counter argument can be, why one would one unintentionally modify the date? If client sets the value and then modifies it, then our code should reflect it, isn't it? If not then is it not confusing?
I prefer to just ignore this FindBugs warning.
In case if you want to do that, just add following Maven dependencies in your pom.xml
<!-- Findbugs -->
and then these annotations at class or member field level in your POJO:
@SuppressFBWarnings(value = { "EI_EXPOSE_REP", "EI_EXPOSE_REP2" }, justification = "I prefer to suppress these FindBugs warnings")
I wonder why none of the solutions takes null into consideration. A general, null-safe solution should look like this:
public void setBillDate(Date billDate) {
this.billDate = billDate != null ? new Date(billDate.getTime()) : null;