I am trying to generate an inverse Weibull distribution using parameters estimated from survreg in R. By this I mean I would like to, for a given probability (which will be a ra
The key is that the shape parameter the rweibull generates is the inverse of the shape parameter the survreg inputs
This is explained in the manual page, ?survreg
(in the "examples" section).
y <- rweibull(1000, shape=2, scale=5)
r <- survreg(Surv(y)~1, dist="weibull")
a <- 1/r$scale # Approximately 2
b <- exp( coef(r) ) # Approximately 5
y2 <- b * ( -ln( 1-runif(1000) ) ) ^(1/a)
y3 <- rweibull(1000, shape=a, scale=5)
# Check graphically that the distributions are the same
plot(sort(y), sort(y2))