I wanted to use Apache math commons implementation for FFT (FastFourierTransformer class) to process some dummy data whose 8 data samples are contributing to on
Your output data looks correct. You've calculated the magnitude of the complex FFT output at each frequency bin which corresponds to the energy in the input signal at the corresponding frequency for that bin. Since your input is purely real, the output is complex conjugate symmetric, and the last 3 output values are redundant.
So you have:
Bin Freq Magnitude
0 0 (DC) 2.5483305001488234E-16
1 Fs/8 920.0
2 Fs/4 4.0014578493024757E-14
3 3Fs/8 2.2914314707516465E-13
4 Fs/2 (Nyq) 5.658858581079313E-14
5 3Fs/8 2.2914314707516465E-13 # redundant - mirror image of bin 3
6 Fs/4 4.0014578493024757E-14 # redundant - mirror image of bin 2
7 Fs/8 920.0 # redundant - mirror image of bin 1
All the values are effectively 0 apart from bin 1 (and bin 6) which corresponds to a frequency of Fs/8
as expected.