Multikey Multivalue Non Deterministic python dictionary

前端 未结 4 1998
清酒与你 2021-02-05 23:08

There is already a multi key dict in python and also a multivalued dict. I needed a python dictionary which is both:


# probabilistically fetch a         

  • 2021-02-05 23:12

    The OP wants as follows,

    d["red", "blue"] ={ 
        "baloon": haseither('red','green',0.8),
        "toy": hasonly("blue",0.15),
        "car": default(0.05)

    but this is data with embeded logic. It's very tedious to define a function for every value. What I suggest is to seprate the data and logic.

    Python has a data type for this, that's class. A callable instance of a class can be assigned to the dict and let the dict pass the keys and call the object to return the result.

    I've inherited and extended multiple_key_dict to support multi-key fetch and to pass keys to the object and call the object which has been stored in the dict.

    I assume data is recalculated per rule. This is Rule class, it has list of rules. A rule is a Python expressions and it has access to len function and keys list. So one can write a rule like len(keys) == 1 and 'blue' in keys.

    class Rule(object):
        def __init__(self, rule, data):
            self.rule = rule
   = data

    This is Data class which has both set of data and rules.

    class Data(object):
        def __init__(self, rules):
            self.rules= rules
        def make_choice(self, data):
            data = tuple(self.make_list_of_values(data))
            return random.choice(data)
        def make_list_of_values(self, data):
            for val, weight in data:
                percent = int(weight * 100)
                for v in [val] * percent:
                    yield v
        def __call__(self, keys):
            for rule in self.rules:
                if eval(rule.rule,dict(keys=keys)):
                    return self.make_choice(

    This is RuleDict, but non-callables can not be fetched.

    class RuleDict(multi_key_dict):
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            multi_key_dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        def __getitem__(self, keys):
            if isinstance(keys, str):
                keys = (keys, )
            keys_set = frozenset(keys)
            for key in self.keys():
                key = frozenset(key)
                if keys_set <= key:
                    return multi_key_dict.__getitem__(self,keys[0])(keys)
            raise KeyError(keys)

    usage example,

    d = RuleDict()
    rule1 = Rule('"red" in keys and "green" in keys',(('baloon',0.8), ('car',0.05), ('toy',0.15)))
    rule2 = Rule('len(keys) ==1 and "blue" in keys',(('baloon',0.25), ('car',0.35), ('toy',0.15)))
    data = Data((rule1, rule2))
    d['red','blue','green'] = data

    d['red','green'] calls the object, with keys, that was assigned and return the result.

    Another approach is, to make the dict callable. This one seems a sound approach, because data and logic are separate. By this, you pass the keys and the logic, a callable, to the dict and return the result. f.e.,

    def f(keys, data):
        pass # do the logic and return data
    d['red','blue','green'] = ('baloon', 'car', 'toy')

    Now call the dict


    This is callable dict. If no callable is given, just returns the whole data.

    class callable_mkd(multi_key_dict):
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            multi_key_dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        def __call__(self, keys, process=None):
            keys_set = frozenset(keys)
            for key in self.keys():
                key = frozenset(key)
                if keys_set <= key:
                    if process:
                        return process(keys, self[keys[0]])
                    return self[keys[0]]
            raise KeyError(keys)
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-05 23:23

    the single output value should be probabilistically determined (fuzzy) based on a rule from keys eg:in above case rule could be if keys have both "red" and "blue" then return "baloon" 80% of time if only blue then return "toy" 15% of time else "car" 5% of time.

    Bare in mind your case analysis is not complete, and it's ambiguous, but you can do the following "in spirit" (fleshing out the desired results):

    import random
    def randomly_return(*colors):
        colors = set(*colors)
        if 'red' in colors and 'blue' in colors:
            if random.random() < 0.8:  # 80 % of the time
                return "baloon"
        if 'blue' in colors and len(colors) == 1:  # only blue in colors
            if random.random() < 0.15:
                return "toy"
                if random.random() < 0.05:
                    return "car"
    # other cases to consider

    I would keep this as a function, because it is a function! But if you insist to make it dict-like, then python let's you do this by overriding __getitem__ (IMO it's not pythonic).

    class RandomlyReturn(object):
        def __getitem__(self, *colors):
            return randomly_return(*colors)
    >>> r = RandomlyReturn()
    >>> r["red", "blue"]  # 80% of the time it'll return "baloon"

    From your clarification, OP wants to pass and generate:


    you want to generate a function as follows:

    funcs = {"haseither": lambda needles, haystack: any(n in haystack for n in needles),
             "hasonly": lambda needles, haystack: len(needles) == 1 and needles[1] in haystack}
    def make_random_return(crits, default):
        def random_return(*colors):
            colors = set(*colors)
            for c in crits:
                if funcs[c["func"]](c["args"], colors) and random.random() > c["with_prob"]:
                    return c["return_value"]
            return default
        return random_return

    where the crit and default in this case would be:

    crit = [{"func": "haseither", "args": ("red", "blue"), "return_value": "baloon", "with_prob": 0.8}, ...]
    default = "car"  # ??
    my_random_return = make_random_return(crits, default)

    As I say, your probabilities are ambiguous/don't add up, so you're most likely going to need to tweak this...

    You can extend the class definition by passing crit and default upon instantiation:

    class RandomlyReturn(object):
        def __init__(self, crit, default):
            self.randomly_return = make_random_return(crit, default)
        def __getitem__(self, *colors):
            return self.randomly_return(*colors)
    >>> r = RandomlyReturn(crit, default)
    >>> r["red", "blue"]  # 80% of the time it'll return "baloon"
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-05 23:27

    Simulated MultiKey Dictionary

    multi_key_dict did not allow __getitem__() with multiple keys at onces...

    (e.g. d["red", "green"])

    A multi key can be simulated with tuple or set keys. If order does not matter, set seems the best (actually the hashable frozen set, so that ["red", "blue"] is the same a ["blue", "red"].

    Simulated MultiVal Dictionary

    Multi values are inherent by using certain datatypes, it can be any storage element that may be conveniently indexed. A standard dict should provide that.


    Using a probability distribution defined by the rules and assumptions1, non-deterministic selection is performed using this recipe from the python docs.

    MultiKeyMultiValNonDeterministicDict Class

    What a name.   \o/-nice!

    This class takes multiple keys that define a probabilistic rule set of multiple values. During item creation (__setitem__()) all value probabilities are precomputed for all combinations of keys1. During item access (__getitem__()) the precomputed probability distribution is selected and the result is evaluated based on a random weighted selection.


    import random
    import operator
    import bisect
    import itertools
    # or use itertools.accumulate in python 3
    def accumulate(iterable, func=operator.add):
        'Return running totals'
        # accumulate([1,2,3,4,5]) --> 1 3 6 10 15
        # accumulate([1,2,3,4,5], operator.mul) --> 1 2 6 24 120
        it = iter(iterable)
            total = next(it)
        except StopIteration:
        yield total
        for element in it:
            total = func(total, element)
            yield total
    class MultiKeyMultiValNonDeterministicDict(dict):
        def key_combinations(self, keys):
            """get all combinations of keys"""
            return [frozenset(subset) for L in range(0, len(keys)+1) for subset in itertools.combinations(keys, L)]
        def multi_val_rule_prob(self, rules, rule):
            assign probabilities for each value, 
            spreading undefined result probabilities
            uniformly over the leftover results not defined by rule.
            all_results = set([result for result_probs in rules.values() for result in result_probs])
            prob = rules[rule]
            leftover_prob = 1.0 - sum([x for x in prob.values()])
            leftover_results = len(all_results) - len(prob)
            for result in all_results:
                if result not in prob:
                    # spread undefined prob uniformly over leftover results
                    prob[result] = leftover_prob/leftover_results
            return prob
        def multi_key_rule_prob(self, key, val):
            assign probability distributions for every combination of keys,
            using the default for combinations not defined in rule set
            combo_probs = {}
            for combo in self.key_combinations(key):
                if combo in val:
                    result_probs = self.multi_val_rule_prob(val, combo).items()
                    result_probs = self.multi_val_rule_prob(val, frozenset([])).items()
                combo_probs[combo] = result_probs
            return combo_probs
        def weighted_random_choice(self, weighted_choices):
            """make choice from weighted distribution"""
            choices, weights = zip(*weighted_choices)
            cumdist = list(accumulate(weights))
            return choices[bisect.bisect(cumdist, random.random() * cumdist[-1])]
        def __setitem__(self, key, val):
            set item in dictionary, 
            assigns values to keys with precomputed probability distributions
            precompute_val_probs = self.multi_key_rule_prob(key, val)        
            # use to show ALL precomputed probabilities for key's rule set
            # print precompute_val_probs        
            dict.__setitem__(self, frozenset(key), precompute_val_probs)
        def __getitem__(self, key):
            get item from dictionary, 
            randomly select value based on rule probability
            key = frozenset([key]) if isinstance(key, str) else frozenset(key)             
            val = None
            weighted_val = None        
            if key in self.keys():
                val = dict.__getitem__(self, key)
                weighted_val = val[key]
                for k in self.keys():
                    if key.issubset(k):
                        val = dict.__getitem__(self, k)
                        weighted_val = val[key]
            # used to show probabality for key
            # print weighted_val
            if weighted_val:
                prob_results = self.weighted_random_choice(weighted_val)
                prob_results = None
            return prob_results


    d = MultiKeyMultiValNonDeterministicDict()
    d["red","blue","green"] = {
        # {rule_set} : {result: probability}
        frozenset(["red", "green"]): {"ballon": 0.8},
        frozenset(["blue"]): {"toy": 0.15},
        frozenset([]): {"car": 0.05}


    Check the probabilities

    N = 10000
    red_green_test = {'car':0.0, 'toy':0.0, 'ballon':0.0}
    red_blue_test = {'car':0.0, 'toy':0.0, 'ballon':0.0}
    blue_test = {'car':0.0, 'toy':0.0, 'ballon':0.0}
    red_blue_green_test = {'car':0.0, 'toy':0.0, 'ballon':0.0}
    default_test = {'car':0.0, 'toy':0.0, 'ballon':0.0}
    for _ in xrange(N):
        red_green_test[d["red","green"]] += 1.0
        red_blue_test[d["red","blue"]] += 1.0
        blue_test[d["blue"]] += 1.0
        default_test[d["green"]] += 1.0
        red_blue_green_test[d["red","blue","green"]] += 1.0
    print 'red,green test      =', ' '.join('{0}: {1:05.2f}%'.format(key, 100.0*val/N) for key, val in red_green_test.items())
    print 'red,blue test       =', ' '.join('{0}: {1:05.2f}%'.format(key, 100.0*val/N) for key, val in red_blue_test.items())
    print 'blue test           =', ' '.join('{0}: {1:05.2f}%'.format(key, 100.0*val/N) for key, val in blue_test.items())
    print 'default test        =', ' '.join('{0}: {1:05.2f}%'.format(key, 100.0*val/N) for key, val in default_test.items())
    print 'red,blue,green test =', ' '.join('{0}: {1:05.2f}%'.format(key, 100.0*val/N) for key, val in red_blue_green_test.items())

    red,green test      = car: 09.89% toy: 10.06% ballon: 80.05%
    red,blue test       = car: 05.30% toy: 47.71% ballon: 46.99%
    blue test           = car: 41.69% toy: 15.02% ballon: 43.29%
    default test        = car: 05.03% toy: 47.16% ballon: 47.81%
    red,blue,green test = car: 04.85% toy: 49.20% ballon: 45.95%

    Probabilities match rules!


    1. Distribution Assumption

      Since the rule set is not fully defined, assumptions are made about the probability distributions, most of this is done in multi_val_rule_prob(). Basically any undefined probability will be spread uniformly over the remaining values. This is done for all combinations of keys, and creates a generalized key interface for the random weighted selection.

      Given the example rule set

      d["red","blue","green"] = {
          # {rule_set} : {result: probability}
          frozenset(["red", "green"]): {"ballon": 0.8},
          frozenset(["blue"]): {"toy": 0.15},
          frozenset([]): {"car": 0.05}

      this will create the following distributions

      'red'           = [('car', 0.050), ('toy', 0.475), ('ballon', 0.475)]
      'green'         = [('car', 0.050), ('toy', 0.475), ('ballon', 0.475)]
      'blue'          = [('car', 0.425), ('toy', 0.150), ('ballon', 0.425)]
      'blue,red'      = [('car', 0.050), ('toy', 0.475), ('ballon', 0.475)]
      'green,red'     = [('car', 0.098), ('toy', 0.098), ('ballon', 0.800)]
      'blue,green'    = [('car', 0.050), ('toy', 0.475), ('ballon', 0.475)]
      'blue,green,red'= [('car', 0.050), ('toy', 0.475), ('ballon', 0.475)]
       default        = [('car', 0.050), ('toy', 0.475), ('ballon', 0.475)]

      If this is incorrect, please advise.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-05 23:37

    If it is possible to change the data structure, it would be simpler to have a function returning the data you need. This will be completely flexible and could accommodate any kind of data, should you need to change them later.

    import random
    def myfunc(*args):
        if 'red' in args:
            return 'blue'
        elif 'green' in args or 'violet' in args:
            return 'violet'
            r = random.random()
            if 0 < r < 0.2:
                return 'blue'
                return 'green'
    print(myfunc('green', 'blue'))

    output (the second line obviously changes):

    0 讨论(0)