I am working on a building a discrete event simulator. Wikipedia mentioned that there are several general purpose priority queues that are good for use in DES\'s. Specifically
A Google search finds
Study of Optimised bucket widths in Calendar Queue for Discrete Event Simulator
which describes Calendar Queues in section 2.
Yes, Brown 1988 is the first paper I know of to describe calendar queues, though Brown mentions several authors who preceded him. Below is a relatively complete bibliography of the calendar queue literature along with my notes on each paper. Leave me a comment if you would like copies of any of the publications.
Also, we've recently finished describing a variant of Brown's algorithm which should perform better. The description is, I think quite adequate to build an implementation from and sample code is provided in the paper. The publication is entitled Trading Space for Time: Constant-Speed Algorithms for Managing Future Events in Scientific Simulations
by Lehman, Keene, and Barnes and should be indexed sometime this fall. If you'd like a copy, leave a comment and I will send it to you.
To answer a different part of your question, you can think of a calendar queue as being a priority queue which is optimized for events which will have ever-decreasing priorities. Usually the priorities (times) of the events are binned in some way so as to avoid having to touch all the events in order to insert one (as may happen in certain forms of heap management).
Definition by NIST:
A fast priority queue implementation having N buckets each with width w, or covering w time. An item with priority p more than current goes in bucket (p/w)%N. Choose N and w to have few items in each bucket. Keep items sorted within buckets. Double or halve N and change w if the number of items grows or shrinks a lot.
Paul E. Black, "calendar queue", in Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures [online], Vreda Pieterse and Paul E. Black, eds. 24 January 2005. (accessed 2014-03-10) Available from: http://www.nist.gov/dads/HTML/calendarQueue.html