I am using UUID version 1 as the primary key. I would like to sort on UUID v1 timestamp. Right now if I do something like this:
SELECT id, title
FROM table
The timestamp is one of the parts of a v1 UUID. It is stored in hex format as hundreds nanoseconds since 1582-10-15 00:00
. This function extracts the timestamp:
create or replace function uuid_v1_timestamp (_uuid uuid)
returns timestamp with time zone as $$
('x' || lpad(h, 16, '0'))::bit(64)::bigint::double precision -
) / 10000000
from (
substring (u from 16 for 3) ||
substring (u from 10 for 4) ||
substring (u from 1 for 8) as h
from (values (_uuid::text)) s (u)
) s
$$ language sql immutable;
select uuid_v1_timestamp(uuid_generate_v1());
2016-06-16 12:17:39.261338+00
is the interval between the start of the Gregorian calendar and the Unix timestamp.
In your query:
select id, title
from t
order by uuid_v1_timestamp(id) desc
To improve performance an index can be created on that:
create index uuid_timestamp_ndx on t (uuid_v1_timestamp(id));