Let us say I have [in Postgres 9.6] a JSONB column named xyz
. In an update, I want to set the .foo.bar
key of this column to {\"
You can just use || to concatenate. It will overwrite or add any json value.
SELECT '{}'::jsonb || '{"foo":"bar"}'::jsonb
UPDATE tablename SET jdoc = jdoc || '{"foo":"bar"}'::jsonb
It's that easy. I rarely use the functions in my software.
In the case of merging:
create or replace function jsonb_merge(orig jsonb, delta jsonb)
returns jsonb language sql as $$
coalesce(keyOrig, keyDelta),
when valOrig isnull then valDelta
when valDelta isnull then valOrig
when (jsonb_typeof(valOrig) <> 'object' or jsonb_typeof(valDelta) <> 'object') then valDelta
else jsonb_merge(valOrig, valDelta)
from jsonb_each(orig) e1(keyOrig, valOrig)
full join jsonb_each(delta) e2(keyDelta, valDelta) on keyOrig = keyDelta
For this example:
"foo": {
"baz": { "done": false }
"abc": "Hello"
You have to use jsonb_insert
you can test it with a SELECT
SELECT jsonb_insert(xyz, '{foo,bar}', '{"done":true}'::jsonb) FROM tablename;
Note: With jsonb_insert
is really important to set the path correctly. Here the path is '{foo:bar}' meaning that you will insert a JSON inside the object foo
called bar
Hence, the result is:
"abc": "Hello",
"foo": {
"baz": {
"done": false
"bar": {
"done": true
To edit bar
and set it to false you have to use jsonb_set
. You can test it with SELECT
SELECT jsonb_set(xyz, '{foo,bar}', '{"done":false}'::jsonb) FROM tablename;
This returns:
"abc": "Hello",
"foo": {
"baz": {
"done": false
"bar": {
"done": false
You use jsonb_set
when the object exists and jsonb_insert
when it doesn't. To update without knowing which one to use, you can use CASE
UPDATE tablename SET
xyz= (CASE
WHEN xyz->'foo' IS NOT NULL
THEN jsonb_set(xyz, '{foo,bar}', '{"done":false}'::jsonb)
WHEN xyz->'foo' IS NULL
THEN jsonb_insert(xyz, '{foo}', '{"bar":{"done":true}}'::jsonb)
WHERE id=1;-- if you use an id to identify the JSON.
You can add some CASE clauses for more specific values.