I just downloaded the Java SDK/JDK versions 5 and 6, and I just need the development tools (and some libraries) contained in the installation packages, I don\'t need to perform
You can extract both JDK 1.5 and 1.6 from .exe files, using the Universal Extractor (really a great tool). But don't forget to convert all *.pack files (compressed with Pack200 format) into corresponding *.jar files, in order to obtain a full working environment. You can use the unpack200.exe command provided in the JDK itself.
You can do the installation once and then zip up the installed stuff placed under \Programs\Java.
This can be unzipped elsewhere later and used as a JDK in most IDE's without needing a full reinstall (but then Windows does not know about it)
Here's .bat script for unpacking "pack" files. Must be run in the root of unzipped JDK.
@echo off
echo **********************
echo unpack JDK pack-files
echo **********************
set JAVA_HOME=c:\glassfish4\jdk7
setlocal enableextensions
for /r %%f in (*) do call :process %%f
goto :eof
if NOT "%~x1" == ".pack" goto :eof
set FOLDER=%~p1
set PWD=%CD%
pushd %FOLDER%
echo Unpacking %~nx1
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\unpack200.exe %~nx1 %~n1.jar
goto :eof
I use 7-zip to do that. It seems to handle that installer/self-extracting executables nicely.
Maybe you can try Universal Extractor. The site looks legit, but I haven't tried it myself.
a little late to the party
here's an extractor written in powershell
$list=$(gci -Recurse ./$installdir/*.pack) | %{
return @{
} | %{
$result = $(unpack200 $_.source $_.target)
return $_
Write-Host $(ConvertTo-Json $list)