I\'ve got a rails model using Paperclip that looks like this:
has_attached_file :image, :styles => { :normal => [\'857x392#\', :png] },
validates_attachment_size :image, :in => 0.megabytes..2.megabytes
works now
Paperclip's validation only checks the range, and doesn't care about the :allow_nil => true
What you can do is try to set :min => nil
or :min => -1
, maybe that will work.
Update: This will not work in the latest version of Paperclip since they have changed how validations work. What you could try instead is:
validates_attachment_size :image, :less_than => 2.megabytes,
:unless => Proc.new {|model| model.image }
validates_attachment_size :image, :less_than => 25.megabytes,
:unless => Proc.new {|m| m[:image].nil?}
works perfectly for me