In a GSP, is it possible to create a direct link to another GSP? I know I can use:
There's a uri attribute that's undocumented , but you can see it in the source:
<a href="${createLink(uri:'/path/page.gsp')}">link</a>
The createLink tag is geared for use with controller actions and won't do what you want it to outside of the url attribute.
You can always get to a gsp by directly: /user/foo.gsp
with a combination of the link and resource tags.
<g:link url="${resource(dir:'user', file:'foo.gsp')}">user/foo.gsp</g:link>
Othewise you can create a URL Mapping that maps a request directly to a view.
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
Using Grails 1.2 you can create a named URL Mapping that maps directly to a view:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
name userFoo: "/user/foo"(view:"user/foo")
and then use it with the link tag:
<link:userFoo>User Foo</link:userFoo>
<g:link mapping="userFoo">User Foo</g:link>
As of Grails 2.x, this is not possible. The ability to link directly to a .gsp was a security flaw that could be used to avoid the @Secured
annotation. The URL mapping method does still work though as seen in @Colin Harrington's answer.
See: GRAILS-7542: Views are accessible via a URL pattern