I am using the android:onClick
atribute in some of my .xml layout files for my android application, but ProGuard is removing these methods from my code when it runs
According to proguard documentation:
Fields and methods may also be specified using regular expressions. Names can contain the following wildcards: ? matches any single character in a method name. * matches any part of a method name.
so, you will be find specifying
-keep class com.example.MyClass {
public void listener_*(android.view.View);
in your proguard flags.
You can do it once for all your classes in this way:
-keepclasseswithmembers class * {
void listener_*(...);
An a bit more greedy approach that should keep all "onClick" methods:
-keepclassmembers class * {
public void * (android.view.View);
==> so basically every public method that has an Android View as the only Paramater should survive ProGuard then.