I used SQL Server 2005 for my small web application. I Want pass parameters to SP . But there is one condition. number of parameter that can be change time to time. Think ,this
You can set the default values for the parameters at the SP level so that the parameters become optional.
@param1 int, -- Not an optional
@param2 int = 10, --Optional
@param3 bit = 0, --Optional
@param4 varchar(50) = '', --Optional
@param5 nvarchar(100) = null --Optional
-- more parameters .....
-- The SQL goes here...
Then you can populate the optional parameters at your choice.
You declare the procedure with default parameters and you invoke it with named parameters instead of positional parameters:
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_myProcedure
@name varchar(100) = '',
@surname varchar(100) = '',
@address varchar(100) = ''
to invoke it from T-SQL:
exec usp_myProcedure @name='John', @surname = 'Doe';
exec usp_myProcedure @name='Jane', @address = '123 Anystreet';
To invoke it from C#:
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand('usp_MyProcedure', ...);
cmd.CommandType = commandtype.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue('@name', 'John');
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue('@surname', 'Doe');
Preparing and exctracting tags from XML is aperformance killer. The inconsistant execution timings depends on whether plan is cached or not.
Using NVARCHAR(MAX) instead is a better option. Just prepare you parameter strings with "@name=Value" pair, and add a unique parameter sepearetor if needed. Inside the procedure use SUBSTRING, CHARINDEX, etc. to get individual parameters.
You can use XML types. Here is a sample procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE udsp_VariableParams(@params XML) AS BEGIN DECLARE @vdoc INT EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @vdoc OUTPUT, @params SELECT * FROM OPENXML(@vdoc, '/params/param', 1) WITH ([paramname] VARCHAR(40), [paramvalue] VARCHAR(150)) EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @vdoc END EXEC udsp_VariableParams '<params> <param paramname="name" paramvalue="value"/> <param paramname="address" paramvalue="value"/> </params>' EXEC udsp_VariableParams '<params> <param paramname="name" paramvalue="value"/> <param paramname="surname" paramvalue="value"/> <param paramname="address" paramvalue="value"/> </params>'