Where to store SQL commands for execution

后端 未结 12 1504
后悔当初 2021-02-05 16:00

We face code quality issues because of inline mysql queries. Having self-written mysql queries really clutters the code and also increases code base etc.

Our code is clu

  • 2021-02-05 16:44

    I'm late to the party, but if you want to store related queries in a single file, YAML is a good fit because it handles arbitrary whitespace better than pretty much any other data serialization format, and it has some other nice features like comments:

    someQuery: |-
      SELECT *
       ,DATE_ADD(sc.created_at,INTERVAL 14 DAY) AS duedate
       ,distance_mail(?,?,lat,lon) as distance,count(pks.skill_id) c1
       ,count(ps.profile_id) c2
        FROM TABLE sc
        -- ...
    # Here's a comment explaining the following query
    someOtherQuery: |-
      SELECT 1;

    This way, using a module like js-yaml you can easily load all of the queries into an object at startup and access each by a sensible name:

    const fs = require('fs');
    const jsyaml = require('js-yaml');
    export default jsyaml.load(fs.readFileSync('queries.yml'));

    Here's a snippet of it in action (using a template string instead of a file):

    const yml =
    `someQuery: |-
      SELECT *
        FROM TABLE sc;
    someOtherQuery: |-
      SELECT 1;`;
    const queries = jsyaml.load(yml);
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/js-yaml@3.8.1/dist/js-yaml.min.js"></script>

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  • 2021-02-05 16:45

    I come from different platform, so I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for. like your application, we had many template queries and we don't like having it hard-coded in the application.

    We created a table in MySQL, allowing to save Template_Name (unique), Template_SQL.

    We then wrote a small function within our application that returns the SQL template. something like this:

    SQL = fn_get_template_sql(Template_name);

    we then process the SQL something like this: pseudo:

    if SQL is not empty
        SQL = replace all parameters// use escape mysql strings from your parameter
        execute the SQL

    or you could read the SQL, create connection and add parameters using your safest way.

    This allows you to edit the template query where and whenever. You can create an audit table for the template table capturing all previous changes to revert back to previous template if needed. You can extend the table and capture who and when was the SQL last edited.

    from performance point of view, this would work as on-the-fly plus you don't have to read any files or restart server when you are depending on starting-server process when adding new templates.

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  • 2021-02-05 16:46

    This is no doubt a million dollar question, and I think the right solution depends always on the case.

    Here goes my thoughts. Hope could help:

    One simple trick (which, in fact, I read that it is surprisingly more efficient than joining strings with "+") is to use arrays of strings for each row and join them.

    It continues being a mess but, at least for me, a bit clearer (specially when using, as I do, "\n" as separator instead of spaces, to make resulting strings more readable when printed out for debugging).


    var sql = [
        "select foo.bar",
        "from baz",
        "join foo on (",
        "  foo.bazId = baz.id",
        ")", // I always leave the last comma to avoid errors on possible query grow.
    ].join("\n"); // or .join(" ") if you prefer.

    As a hint, I use that syntax in my own SQL "building" library. It may not work in too complex queries but, if you have cases in which provided parameters could vary, it is very helpful to avoid (also subotptimal) "coalesce" messes by fully removing unneeded query parts. It is also on GitHub, (and it isn't too complex code), so you can extend it if you feel it useful.

    If you prefer separate files:

    About having single or multiple files, having multiple files is less efficient from the point of view of reading efficiency (more file open/close overhead and harder OS level caching). But, if you load all of them single time at startup, it is not in fact a hardly noticeable difference.

    So, the only drawback (for me) is that it is too hard to have a "global glance" of your query collection. Even, if you have very huge amount of queries, I think it is better to mix both approaches. That is: group related queries in the same file so you have single file per each module, submodel or whatever criteria you chosen.

    Of course: Single file would result in relatively "huge" file, also difficult to handle "at first". But I (hardly) use vim's marker based folding (foldmethod=marker) which is very helpfull to handle that files.

    Of course: if you don't (yet) use vim (truly??), you wouldn't have that option, but sure there is another alternative in your editor. If not, you always can use syntax folding and something like "function (my_tag) {" as markers.

    For example:

    ---(Query 1)---------------------/*{{{*/
    select foo from bar;
    ---(Query 2)---------------------/*{{{*/
    select foo.baz 
    from foo
    join bar using (foobar)

    ...when folded, I see it as:

    +--  3 línies: ---(Query 1)------------------------------------------------
    +--  5 línies: ---(Query 2)------------------------------------------------

    Which, using properly selected labels, is much more handy to manage and, from the parsing point of view, is not difficult to parse the whole file splitting queries by that separation rows and using labels as keys to index the queries.

    Dirty example:

    #!/usr/bin/env node
    "use strict";
    var Fs = require("fs");
    var src = Fs.readFileSync("./test.sql");
    var queries = {};
    var label = false;
        var m = row.match(/^-+\((.*?)\)-+[/*{]*$/);
        if (m) return queries[label = m[1].replace(" ", "_").toLowerCase()] = "";
        if(row.match(/^-+[/*}]*$/)) return label = false;
        if (label) queries[label] += row+"\n";
    // { query_1: 'select foo from bar;\n',
    //   query_2: 'select foo.baz \nfrom foo\njoin bar using (foobar)\n' }
    // select foo from bar;
    // select foo.baz
    // from foo
    // join bar using (foobar)

    Finally (idea), if you do as much effort, wouldn't be a bad idea to add some boolean mark together with each query label telling if that query is intended to be used frequently or only occasionally. Then you can use that information to prepare those statements at application startup or only when they are going to be used more than single time.

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  • 2021-02-05 16:48

    Create store procedures for all queries, and replace the var sql = "SELECT..." for calling the procedures like var sql = "CALL usp_get_packages".

    This is the best for performance and no dependency breaks on the application. Depending on the number of queries may be a huge task, but for every aspect (maintainability, performance, dependencies, etc) is the best solution.

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  • 2021-02-05 16:57

    Call procedure in the code after putting query into the db procedure. @paval also already answered you may also refer here.

    create procedure sp_query()
    select * from table1;

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  • 2021-02-05 16:58

    You could create a completely new npm module let's assume the custom-queries module and put all your complex queries in there.

    Then you can categorize all your queries by resource and by action. For example, the dir structure can be:

    /index.js -> it will bootstrap all the resources
    /queries/sc (random name)
    /queries/psc (random name)
    /queries/complex (random name)

    The following query can live under the /queries/complex directory in its own file and the file will have a descriptive name (let's assume retrieveDistance)

    // You can define some placeholders within this var because possibly you would like to be a bit configurable and reuseable in different parts of your code.
    /* jshint ignore:start */
    var sql = "SELECT *"
    +" ,DATE_ADD(sc.created_at,INTERVAL 14 DAY) AS duedate"
    +" ,distance_mail(?,?,lat,lon) as distance,count(pks.skill_id) c1"
    +" ,count(ps.profile_id) c2"
    +" FROM TABLE sc"
    +" JOIN "
    +" PACKAGE_V psc on sc.id = psc.s_id "
    +" JOIN "
    +" PACKAGE_SKILL pks on pks.package_id = psc.package_id  "
    +" LEFT JOIN PROFILE_SKILL ps on ps.skill_id = pks.skill_id and ps.profile_id = ?"
    +" WHERE sc.type in "
    +" ('a',"
    +" 'b',"
    +" 'c' ,"
    +" 'd',"
    +" 'e',"
    +" 'f',"
    +" 'g',"
    +" 'h')"
    +" AND sc.status = 'open'"
    +" AND sc.crowd_type = ?"
    +" AND sc.created_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 10 MINUTE) "
    +" AND sc.created_at > DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 14 DAY)"
    +" AND distance_mail(?, ?,lat,lon) < 500"
    +" GROUP BY sc.id"
    +" HAVING c1 = c2 "
    +" ORDER BY distance;";
    /* jshint ignore:end */
    module.exports = sql;

    The top level index.js will export an object with all the complex queries. An example can be:

    var sc = require('./queries/sc');
    var psc = require('./queries/psc');
    var complex = require('./queries/complex');
    // Quite important because you want to ensure that no one will touch the queries outside of
    // the scope of this module. Be careful, because the Object.freeze is freezing only the top
    // level elements of the object and it is not recursively freezing the nested objects.
    var queries = Object.freeze({
      sc: sc,
      psc: psc,
      complex: complex
    module.exports = queries;

    Finally, on your main code you can use the module like that:

    var cq = require('custom-queries');
    var retrieveDistanceQuery = cq.complex.retrieveDistance;
    // @todo: replace the placeholders if they exist

    Doing something like that you will move all the noise of the string concatenation to another place that you would expect and you will be able to find quite easily in one place all your complex queries.

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