I am trying to implement a function primeFac()
that takes as input a positive integer n
and returns a list containing all the numbers in the prime
I've tweaked @user448810's answer to use iterators from itertools (and python3.4, but it should be back-portable). The solution is about 15% faster.
import itertools
def factors(n):
f = 2
increments = itertools.chain([1,2,2], itertools.cycle([4,2,4,2,4,6,2,6]))
for incr in increments:
if f*f > n:
while n % f == 0:
yield f
n //= f
f += incr
if n > 1:
yield n
Note that this returns an iterable, not a list. Wrap it in list() if that's what you want.
Here is my version of factorization by trial division, which incorporates the optimization of dividing only by two and the odd integers proposed by Daniel Fischer:
def factors(n):
f, fs = 3, []
while n % 2 == 0:
n /= 2
while f * f <= n:
while n % f == 0:
n /= f
f += 2
if n > 1: fs.append(n)
return fs
An improvement on trial division by two and the odd numbers is wheel factorization, which uses a cyclic set of gaps between potential primes to greatly reduce the number of trial divisions. Here we use a 2,3,5-wheel:
def factors(n):
gaps = [1,2,2,4,2,4,2,4,6,2,6]
length, cycle = 11, 3
f, fs, nxt = 2, [], 0
while f * f <= n:
while n % f == 0:
n /= f
f += gaps[nxt]
nxt += 1
if nxt == length:
nxt = cycle
if n > 1: fs.append(n)
return fs
Thus, print factors(13290059)
will output [3119, 4261]
. Factoring wheels have the same O(sqrt(n)) time complexity as normal trial division, but will be two or three times faster in practice.
I've done a lot of work with prime numbers at my blog. Please feel free to visit and study.
prime factors of a number:
def primefactors(x):
while loop<=x:
if x%loop==0:
return factorlist
x = int(input())
You'll get the list. If you want to get the pairs of prime factors of a number try this: http://pythonplanet.blogspot.in/2015/09/list-of-all-unique-pairs-of-prime.html
This is the code I made. It works fine for numbers with small primes, but it takes a while for numbers with primes in the millions.
def pfactor(num):
div = 2
pflist = []
while div <= num:
if num % div == 0:
num /= div
div += 1
# The stuff afterwards is just to convert the list of primes into an expression
pfex = ''
for item in list(set(pflist)):
pfex += str(item) + '^' + str(pflist.count(item)) + ' * '
pfex = pfex[0:-3]
return pfex
I would like to share my code for finding the prime factors of number given input by the user:
a = int(input("Enter a number: "))
def prime(a):
b = list()
i = 1
while i<=a:
if a%i ==0 and i!=1 and i!=a:
return b
c = list()
for x in prime(a):
if len(prime(x)) == 0:
from sets import Set
# this function generates all the possible factors of a required number x
def factors_mult(X):
L = []
[L.append(i) for i in range(2,X) if X % i == 0]
return L
# this function generates list containing prime numbers upto the required number x
def prime_range(X):
l = [2]
for i in range(3,X+1):
for j in range(2,i):
if i % j == 0:
return l
# This function computes the intersection of the two lists by invoking Set from the sets module
def prime_factors(X):
y = Set(prime_range(X))
z = Set(factors_mult(X))
k = list(y & z)
k = sorted(k)
print "The prime factors of " + str(X) + " is ", k
# for eg