How can I query Wikidata to get all items that have labels contain a word? I tried this but didn\'t work; it retrieved nothing.
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {
Yes, you can search by label, for example:
SELECT distinct ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription WHERE{
?item ?label "Something"@en.
?article schema:about ?item .
?article schema:inLanguage "en" .
?article schema:isPartOf <>.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
see it on Query page.
As of today (June 2020), the best way to do this seems to be using these CirrusSearch extensions. The following does a substring search in all English labels and comes back with 10,000 results in <20 seconds. I believe it also searches in aliases and descriptions.
SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?label
SERVICE wikibase:mwapi
bd:serviceParam wikibase:endpoint "";
wikibase:api "Generator";
mwapi:generator "search";
mwapi:gsrsearch "inlabel:city"@en;
mwapi:gsrlimit "max".
?item wikibase:apiOutputItem mwapi:title.
?item rdfs:label ?label. FILTER( LANG(?label)="en" )
Following your question and the useful comments provided, I ended up with this query
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel
?item rdfs:label ?itemLabel.
FILTER(CONTAINS(LCASE(?itemLabel), "city"@en)).
} limit 10
For which I got those results
item itemLabel
wd:Q515 city
wd:Q7930989 city
wd:Q15253706 city
wd:Q532039 The Eternal City
wd:Q1969820 The Eternal City
wd:Q3986838 The Eternal City
wd:Q7732543 The Eternal City
wd:Q7737016 The Golden City
wd:Q5119 capital city
wd:Q1555 Guatemala City
try it here
As stated above, querying with case-insensitivity and truncation is very slow in SPARQL query service. I found this project on github: It sets up an ElasticSearch index which allows fast queries for use-cases like autocompletion.