I am faced with a unique situation, slightly trivial but painful.
I need to use Python 2.6.6 because NLTK is not ported to Python 3 (that\'s what I could gather).
Install Python 3
Python 3.3 and higher put a py.exe
into the windows folder. [link]
This executable is used to determine the python version with the first line of the file:
will be executed with Python 2.7. You must install the Python 3 version after you installed the other Python versions.
Additional ressources: https://docs.python.org/3/using/windows.html#customization
pywin https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pywin
Old Solution
I guess you use windows. I solved this problem with a hack:
Every time I start python on windows a python.bat will be used. This starts a python.py that analyses the file for the header after #! for the python version.
To start example.py I type into the console
python example.py
but it could also be started per klick.
this is my python file C:\bin\python.py
#!/usr/bin/env python2
import sys
import os
args = sys.argv
if len(args) <= 1:
# no arguments
# start python console
i = os.system('C:\bin\python2.bat' + " ".join(args[1:]))
if type(i) != int:
i = 0
def analyse(filename, default = ''):
'''=> '2', '3', default '''
f = open(filename)
except IOError:
# file not found
return default
firstLine = f.readline()
if firstLine.startswith('#!'):
if 'python2' in firstLine:
return '2'
if 'python3' in firstLine:
return '3'
i = firstLine.find(' ')
if i != -1:
# analyse from end of path on
in2 = '2' in firstLine[i:]
in3 = '3' in firstLine[i:]
if in2 and not in3:
return '2'
if in3 and not in2:
return '3'
# analyse path
in2 = '2' in firstLine
in3 = '3' in firstLine
if in2 and not in3:
return '2'
if in3 and not in2:
return '3'
return default
no = analyse(args[1], default = '2')
if args[1][-1:] == 'w':
# python win
cmd = 'C:\bin\pythonw%s.bat'
cmd = 'C:\bin\python%s.bat'
i = os.system(cmd % no + ' ' + " ".join(args[1:]))
if type(i) != int:
i = 0
This is the C:\bin\python.bat file
@echo off
C:\bin\python2 C:\bin\python.py %*
rem this may also work:
rem C:\bin\python.py %*
and in every file you start you have to put either
default is python2
Then I added those files to the folder:
@echo off
C:\python27\python.exe %*
@echo off
C:\python27\pythonw.exe %*
@echo off
C:\python32\pythonw.exe %*
@echo off
C:\python32\pythonw.exe %*
If you are using python26 instead if python27 then you need to change
and so on. Same with python not using python 32.
You may also want to start python files per klick
then do this:
klick right on a .py file -> open with -> select C:\bin\python.bat
If you get problems contact me or leave a comment.
For those using windows, if you're not averse to using PowerShell, you can install python 2 and 3 separately as mentioned in other answers. Then you can do this:
Set-Alias python27 [some path]\python27\python.exe
Set-Alias python33 [some path]\python33\python.exe
To create an alias for running each version.
Keeping aliases around is described in this link: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/reference/5.1/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_aliases#saving-aliases
In order to successfully load the profile that that link would have you create, you may need to change your execution policy.
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
should do the trick, but if you want to know more about execution policies you may want to follow this link: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/reference/5.1/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_execution_policies
You should look into virtualenv. I got to know about it from this blog post, which talks about pip
and fabric
, also very useful tools for the Python developer.