i was trying to insert some data into the database but i got this error \"Error while sending QUERY packet\"
$insertDeta = $conPat->pre
You may also have this error if the variable wait_timeout
is too low.
If so, you may set it higher like that:
SET GLOBAL wait_timeout=10;
This was the solution for the same error in my case.
Had such a problem when executing forking in php for command line. In my case from time to time the php killed the child process. To fix this, just wait for the process to complete using the command pcntl_wait($status);
here's a piece of code for a visual example:
#!/bin/php -n
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
ini_set("log_errors", 1);
ini_set('error_log', '/media/logs/php/fork.log');
$ski = substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 5)), 0, 5);
error_log(getmypid().' '.$ski.' start my php');
$pid = pcntl_fork();
if($pid) {
error_log(getmypid().' '.$ski.' start 2');
// Wait for children to return. Otherwise they
// would turn into "Zombie" processes
// !!!!!! add this !!!!!!
// !!!!!! add this !!!!!!
} else {
error_log(getmypid().' '.$ski.' start 3');
//[03-Apr-2020 12:13:47 UTC] PHP Warning: Error while sending QUERY packet. PID=18048 in /speed/sport/fortest.php on line 22457
error_log(getmypid().' '.$ski.' sleep child');
error_log(getmypid().' '.$ski.'end my php');