c# code seems to get optimized in an invalid way such that an object value becomes null

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萌比男神i 2021-02-05 13:13

I have the following code that exhibits a strange problem:

var all = new FeatureService().FindAll();
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(all != null, \"FindAll must          

  • 2021-02-05 13:43

    Left for posterity, this is not the problem.

    See my new answer.

    Here's what I believe.

    Contrary to what you're saying, I believe the program is not in fact crashing in any of the lines posted, but instead crashes on one of the lines following them, which you haven't posted.

    The reason I believe this is that I also believe you're doing a Release-build, in which case both Debug lines will be removed, since they're tagged with a [Conditional("DEBUG")] attribute.

    The clue here is that the all variable has been optimized away, and this should only happen during a Release-build, not a Debug-build.

    In other words, I believe the all variable is actuall null after all, and the Debug lines aren't executed, because they're not compiled into the assembly. The debugger is dutifully reporting that the all variable no longer exists.

    Note that all of this should be easy to test. Just place a breakpoint on the first of the two Debug-lines that you've posted. If the breakpoint is hit, my hypothesis is most likely wrong. If it doesn't (and I'm going to guess that the breakpoint symbol shows up as a hollow circle at runtime), then those lines aren't compiled into the assembly.

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  • 2021-02-05 13:52

    After looking over the code over TeamViewer, and finally downloading, compiling and running the code on my own machine, I believe this is a case of compiler error in C# 4.0.

    I've posted a question with request for verification, after managing to reduce the problem to a few simple projects and files. It is available here: Possible C# 4.0 compiler error, can others verify?

    The likely culprit is not this method:

    protected override List<FeatureModel> GetModels() {
        var fs = new FeatureService();
        var all = fs.FindAll();
        var wr = new WeakReference(all);
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(all != null, "FindAll must not return null");
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(all.ToString()); // throws NullReferenceException
        return all;

    But the method it calls, FeatureService.FindAll:

    public List<FeatureModel> FindAll() {
        string key = Cache.GetQueryKey("FindAll");
        var value = Cache.Load<List<FeatureModel>>(key);
        if (value == null) {
            var query = Context.Features;
            value = query.ToList().Select(x => Map(x)).ToList();
            var policy = Cache.GetDefaultCacheItemPolicy(value.Select(x => Cache.GetObjectKey(x.Id.ToString())), true);
            Cache.Store(key, value, policy);
        value = new List<FeatureModel>();
        return value;

    If I changed the call in GetModels from this:

    var all = fs.FindAll();

    to this:

    var all = fs.FindAll().ToList(); // remember, it already returned a list

    then the program crashes with a ExecutionEngineException.

    After doing a clean, a build, and then looking at the compiled code through Reflector, here's how the output looks (scroll to the bottom of the code for the important part):

    public List<FeatureModel> FindAll()
        List<FeatureModel> value;
        Func<FeatureModel, string> CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate6 = null;
        List<FeatureModel> CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate7 = null;
        string key = base.Cache.GetQueryKey("FindAll");
        if (base.Cache.Load<List<FeatureModel>>(key) == null)
            if (CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate6 == null)
                CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate6 = (Func<FeatureModel, string>) delegate (Feature x) {
                    return this.Map(x);
            value = base.Context.Features.ToList<Feature>().Select<Feature, FeatureModel>(((Func<Feature, FeatureModel>) CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate6)).ToList<FeatureModel>();
            if (CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate7 == null)
                CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate7 = (List<FeatureModel>) delegate (FeatureModel x) {
                    return base.Cache.GetObjectKey(x.Id.ToString());
            Func<Feature, FeatureModel> policy = (Func<Feature, FeatureModel>) base.Cache.GetDefaultCacheItemPolicy(value.Select<FeatureModel, string>((Func<FeatureModel, string>) CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate7), true);
            base.Cache.Store<List<FeatureModel>>(key, value, (CacheItemPolicy) policy);
        value = new List<FeatureModel>();
        bool CS$1$0000 = (bool) value;
        return (List<FeatureModel>) CS$1$0000;

    Notice the 3 last lines of the method, here's what they look like in the code:

    value = new List<FeatureModel>();
    return value;

    here's what Reflector says:

    value = new List<FeatureModel>();
    bool CS$1$0000 = (bool) value;
    return (List<FeatureModel>) CS$1$0000;

    It creates the list, then casts it to a boolean, then casts it back to a list and returns it. Most likely this causes a stack problem.

    Here's the same method, in IL (still through Reflector), I've stripped away most of the code:

    .method public hidebysig instance class [mscorlib]System.Collections.Generic.List`1<class FeatureCrowd.DomainModel.FeatureModel> FindAll() cil managed
        .maxstack 5
        .locals init (
            [0] string key,
            [1] class [mscorlib]System.Collections.Generic.List`1<class FeatureCrowd.DomainModel.FeatureModel> 'value',
            [2] class [System.Data.Entity]System.Data.Objects.ObjectSet`1<class FeatureCrowd.DomainModel.Feature> query,
            [3] class [mscorlib]System.Func`2<class FeatureCrowd.DomainModel.Feature, class FeatureCrowd.DomainModel.FeatureModel> policy,
            [4] class [mscorlib]System.Func`2<class FeatureCrowd.DomainModel.FeatureModel, string> CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate6,
            [5] class [mscorlib]System.Collections.Generic.List`1<class FeatureCrowd.DomainModel.FeatureModel> CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate7,
            [6] bool CS$1$0000,
            [7] char CS$4$0001)
        L_009f: newobj instance void [mscorlib]System.Collections.Generic.List`1<class FeatureCrowd.DomainModel.FeatureModel>::.ctor()
        L_00a4: stloc.1 
        L_00a5: ldloc.1 
        L_00a6: stloc.s CS$1$0000
        L_00a8: br.s L_00aa
        L_00aa: ldloc.s CS$1$0000
        L_00ac: ret 

    Here's a screencast showing the debug session, if you just want the Reflector output, skip to about 2:50.

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  • 2021-02-05 14:05

    After Lasse discovered that the FindAll method was generating the wrong IL, I then came across another method that was also generating the wrong IL -- I also found the root cause and resolution.

    The relevant line in the second method is:

    var policy = Cache.GetDefaultCacheItemPolicy(dependentKeys, true);

    Cache is my own object. The GetDefaultCacheItemPolicy method returns a System.Runtime.Caching.CacheItemPolicy object. The generated IL, however, looked like this:

    Func<Feature, FeatureModel> policy = (Func<Feature, FeatureModel>) base.Cache.GetDefaultCacheItemPolicy(dependentKeys, true);

    There are two projects in play here. The methods that are generating the wrong IL are in one project called DomainModel, and the Cache object is in a Utilities project, which is referenced by the first. The second project contains a reference to System.Runtime.Caching but the first does not.

    The fix was to add a reference to System.Runtime.Caching to the first project. Now the generated IL looks correct:

    CacheItemPolicy policy = base.Cache.GetDefaultCacheItemPolicy(dependentKeys, true);

    The first method (that Lasse posted about in his answer) now also generates proper IL.


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