I am new to Google Maps and KML. I have my KML file rendering polygons on my map, but I would like to change the color of the fill on the pollygon and the polygon\'s line color
This is what I use: http://www.zonums.com/gmaps/kml_color/
(this page lets you enter the code)
The hardest part is remembering the order of the pieces (from the spec):
The order of expression is aabbggrr, where aa=alpha (00 to ff); bb=blue (00 to ff); gg=green (00 to ff); rr=red (00 to ff).
The first two digits ("aa"/alpha in aabbggrr) represent the opacity.
You can use 6 digit hex code in reverse for the last six characters. The first two characters represent transparency which can be set from 00 which is invisible to ff which is opaque.