I’m running a spark application with YARN-client or YARN-cluster mode.
But it seems to take too long to startup.
It takes 10+ seconds to initialize the spark con
Tested on EMR:
cd /usr/lib/spark/jars/; zip /tmp/yarn-archive.zip *.jar
cd path/to/folder/of/someOtherDependancy/jarFolder/; zip /tmp/yarn-archive.zip jar-file.jar
zip -Tv /tmp/yarn-archive.zip
for Test integrity and Verbose debug
if yarn-archive.zip
already exists on hdfs then hdfs dfs -rm -r -f -skipTrash /user/hadoop/yarn-archive.zip
hdfs dfs -put /tmp/yarn-archive.zip /user/hadoop/
else hdfs dfs -put /tmp/yarn-archive.zip /user/hadoop/
--conf spark.yarn.archive="hdfs:///user/hadoop/yarn-archive.zip"
use this argument in spark-submit
The reason why this can work is, the master does not have to distribute all the jars to the slaves. It is available to them from some common hdfs path here it is hdfs:///user/hadoop/yarn-archive.zip
I realized that it can save your time by 3-5 seconds, this time also depends on the number of nodes in the cluster. More the nodes, more you save the time.
If you're using mac os to run some tasks in standalone mode,
Just remember to enable the remote ssh connection
in your system preference -> sharing
(I don't know the reason why we should do that)
Before enabling it, it takes me about 1 minute to run spark-submit xx.py
After enabling it, it only takes me 3 seconds to run it.
I hope it can help others has the kind of issues on Mac os platform
You could check Apache Livy which is a REST API in front of Spark.
You could have one session and multiple requests to that one Spark/Livy session.
This is pretty typical. My system takes about 20 seconds from running spark-submit until getting a SparkContext.
As it says in the docs in a couple of places, the solution is to turn your driver into an RPC server. That way you initialize once, and then other applications can use the driver's context as a service.
I am in the middle of doing this with my application. I am using http4s and turning my driver into a web server.