I\'m implementing the standard tutorial for Firebase AuthUI in my android app. However, when testing I try to sign-in using Google sign-in from within the app and get the follow
I noticed that for some reason on my Google Credentials API Key restriction, my SHA-1 fingerprint wasn't included.
To find your API Key, go to console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials?project=. Or go to the console.cloud.google.com -> Click on the hamburger icon on the top left -> APIs and Services -> Credentials
Choose the API Key that you're using. -Under "App Restrictions", choose "Android Apps" (If you're build an Android app for example) -Under "Restrict usage to your Android apps", Click "Add an item" -Enter your package name and your SHA-1 Fingerprint
To know how to find your SHA-1 Fingerprint, LINK
The signingReport task may be under Gradle(on the right vertical band) app -> tasks -> android
If you are published app to google play store and then show this error:
[ Requests from this Android client application com.x.x are blocked. ]
Here a solution to solve your problem very easily.
Setup -> App signin
SHA-1 certificate fingerprint
To find your SHA-1 certificate fingerprint, go to console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials?project. Or go to the console.cloud.google.com -> Click on the hamburger icon on the top left -> APIs and Services -> Credentials
. And change your all SHA-1 certificate fingerprint