I need a regular expression that I can use in VBScript and .NET that will return only the numbers that are found in a string.
For Example any of the following \"str
I don't know if VBScript has some kind of a "regular expression replace" function, but if it does, then you could do something like this pseudocode:
reg_replace(/\D+/g, '', your_string)
I don't know VBScript so I can't give you the exact code but this would remove anything that is not a number.
EDIT: Make sure to have the global flag (the "g" at the end of the regexp), otherwise it will only match the first non-number in your string.
By the looks of things, your trying to catch any 10 digit phone number....
Why not do a string replace first of all on the text to remove any of the following characters.
<SPACE> , . ( ) - [ ]
Then afterwards, you can just do a regex search for a 10 digit number.