SQL developers, I have a badly planned database as task to learn a lot about SQL Server 2012.
SO, there is the table Elem
I dont think it can be done in one select in whole case ,so that you can select all parents,grandparents ,... . One way how to do it is to join elem table to herself ,and thet it depends on how many levels of join you do , that level of childs,grandchilds will you get.
The solution can be somethink like this(for the second case )
this will select you all parents,childs and grandchilds
parent.key as parent_key,
child.key as child_key,
grandchild.key as grandchild_key
from elem parent
join elem child on (elem.key=child.parentkey)
join elem grandchild on (child.key=grandchild.parentkey)
where parent.parentkey is null; -- this make you sure that first level will be parents
solution for the first case is just that you will connect tables not in style of 'key=parentkey' but oposite 'parentkey=key'.
I've created a function for finding the parents of a specific child where you have to pass the Id of the child.
This will return the list of parents as a comma separated string. Try this if it works for you.
I'm assuming that the parent_key with null value
is root.
CREATE FUNCTION checkParent(@childId INT)
DECLARE @parentKey INT = null
SET @parentId = (SELECT parent_key FROM Elem WHERE [KEY] = @childId)
SET @parentId = @parentId + ', ' + (SELECT parent_key FROM Elem WHERE [KEY] = @parentId)
SET @parentKey = (SELECT parent_key FROM Elem WHERE [KEY] = @parentId)
RETURN @parentId
here is a recursive query giving you both all ancestors and all descendants of an element. Use these together or separate according to the situation. Replace the where clauses to get the desired record. In this example I am looking for key 13 (this is the element with name = b) and find its ancestor 12/a and its descendant 14/c.
with all_ancestors(relation, version, name, elem_key, parent_key, dist_key)
-- the record itself
select 'self ' as relation, self.version, self.name, self.elem_key, self.parent_key, self.dist_key
from elem self
where elem_key = 13
union all
-- all its ancestors found recursively
select 'ancestor ' as relation, parent.version, parent.name, parent.elem_key, parent.parent_key, parent.dist_key
from elem parent
join all_ancestors child on parent.elem_key = child.parent_key
, all_descendants(relation, version, name, elem_key, parent_key, dist_key)
-- the record itself
select 'self ' as relation, self.version, self.name, self.elem_key, self.parent_key, self.dist_key
from elem self
where elem_key = 13
union all
-- all its descendants found recursively
select 'descendant' as relation, child.version, child.name, child.elem_key, child.parent_key, child.dist_key
from elem child
join all_descendants parent on parent.elem_key = child.parent_key
select * from all_ancestors
select * from all_descendants
order by elem_key
Here is the SQL fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!6/617ee/28.
I have met this problem,I resolved problem by this way
--all "parent + grandparent + etc" @childID Replaced with the ID you need
with tbParent as
select * from Elem where [KEY]=@childID
union all
select Elem.* from Elem join tbParent on Elem.[KEY]=tbParent.PARENT_KEY
SELECT * FROM tbParent
--all "sons + grandsons + etc" @parentID Replaced with the ID you need
with tbsons as
select * from Elem where [KEY]=@parentID
union all
select Elem.* from Elem join tbsons on Elem.PARENT_KEY=tbsons.[KEY]
SELECT * FROM tbsons
PS.My English is not good.