Is there any way I can use the moment.js format
method on duration objects? I can\'t find it anywhere in the docs and it doesn\'t seen to be an attribute on du
You can use numeral.js to format your duration:
numeral(your_duration.asSeconds()).format('00:00:00') // result: hh:mm:ss
// set up
let start = moment("2018-05-16 12:00:00"); // some random moment in time (in ms)
let end = moment("2018-05-16 12:22:00"); // some random moment after start (in ms)
let diff = end.diff(start);
// execution
let f = moment.utc(diff).format("HH:mm:ss.SSS");
Have a look at the JSFiddle
if you use angular add this to your filters:
.filter('durationFormat', function () {
return function (value) {
var days = Math.floor(value/86400000);
value = value%86400000;
var hours = Math.floor(value/3600000);
value = value%3600000;
var minutes = Math.floor(value/60000);
value = value%60000;
var seconds = Math.floor(value/1000);
return (days? days + ' days ': '') + (hours? hours + ' hours ': '') + (minutes? minutes + ' minutes ': '') + (seconds? seconds + ' seconds ': '')
usage example
<div> {{diff | durationFormat}} </div>
I use the classic format function in these cases:
var diff = moment(end).unix() - moment(start).unix();
//use unix function instead of difference
This is a hack because the time diff is treated as a standard moment date, an early epoch date time, but it doesn't matter to our goal and you don't need any plugin
Based on ni-ko-o-kin's answer:
meassurements = ["years", "months", "weeks", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds"];
withPadding = (duration) => {
var step = null;
return => duration[m]()).filter((n,i,a) => {
var nonEmpty = Boolean(n);
if (nonEmpty || step || i >= a.length - 2) {
step = true;
return step;
}).map((n) => ('0' + n).slice(-2)).join(':')
duration1 = moment.duration(1, 'seconds');
duration2 = moment.duration(7200, 'seconds');
duration3 = moment.duration(604800, 'seconds');
withPadding(duration1); // 00:01
withPadding(duration2); // 02:00:00
withPadding(duration3); // 01:07:00:00:00
We are looking into adding some kind of formatting to durations in moment.js. See
A couple other libraries that might help out are and