I was using Selectize.js in a select box, What i need is, if an item is not in the list of options i would need to add a new item. When new item is added, i want to have an ajax
Thanks a lot, @Corgalore. Its working for me like
create:function (input, callback){
url: "<?php echo $this->url(null, array('controller' => 'employee-detail', 'action' => 'add-new-desig-ajax'));?>",
type: 'POST',
success: function (result) {
if (result) {
// console.log('sdfasf',result);
callback({ value: result.id, text: input });
Actually you must return an object with properties that match the names for your labelField and valueField options:
create:function (input){
return { value:123, text:input};
If you needed to perform a remote operation you would code it like this:
create:function (input, callback){
url: '/remote-url/',
type: 'GET',
success: function (result) {
if (result) {
callback({ value: result.id, text: input });
You have to invoke the callback, passing your values:
create:function (input, callback){
value: 123, // probably your ID created or something
text: input