How do you properly unwrap both normal and implicit optionals?
There seems to be confusion in this topic and I would just like to have a reference for all of the way
Since Beta 5 we have also the new coalescing operator (??):
var a : Int?
let b : Int = a ?? 0
If the optional is != nil it is unwrapped else the value on the right of the operator is used
I created an approach to unwrap optional value:
// MARK: - Modules
import Foundation
import UIKit
import CoreData
protocol OptionalType { init() }
extension String: OptionalType {}
extension Int: OptionalType {}
extension Double: OptionalType {}
extension Bool: OptionalType {}
extension Float: OptionalType {}
extension CGFloat: OptionalType {}
extension CGRect: OptionalType {}
extension UIImage: OptionalType {}
extension IndexPath: OptionalType {}
extension Date: OptionalType {}
extension UIFont: OptionalType {}
extension UIColor: OptionalType {}
extension UIViewController: OptionalType {}
extension UIView: OptionalType {}
extension NSMutableDictionary: OptionalType {}
extension NSMutableArray: OptionalType {}
extension NSMutableSet: OptionalType {}
extension NSEntityDescription: OptionalType {}
extension Int64: OptionalType {}
extension CGPoint: OptionalType {}
extension Data: OptionalType {}
extension NSManagedObjectContext: OptionalType {}
prefix operator ?*
//unwrapping values
prefix func ?*<T: OptionalType>( value: T?) -> T {
guard let validValue = value else { return T() }
return validValue
You can add your custom data type also.
var myString = ?*str
Hope it helps :)
An optional type means that the variable might be nil.
var myString: Int? = 55
myString = nil
The question mark indicates it might have nil value.
But if you state like this:
var myString : Int = 55
myString = nil
It will show error.
Now to retrieve the value you need to unwrap it:
But if you want to unwrap automatically:
var myString: Int! = 55
No need to unwrap. Hope it will help.
You can also create extensions for particular type and unwrap safely with default value. I did the following for the same :
extension Optional where Wrapped == String {
func unwrapSafely() -> String {
if let value = self {
return value
return ""
There are many similarities and just a handful of differences.
Declaration: var opt: Type?
Unsafely unwrapping: let x = opt!.property // error if opt is nil
Safely testing existence : if opt != nil { ... someFunc(opt!) ... } // no error
Safely unwrapping via binding: if let x = opt { ... someFunc(x) ... } // no error
Safely chaining: var x = opt?.property // x is also Optional, by extension
Safely coalescing nil values: var x = opt ?? nonOpt
Declaration: var opt: Type!
Unsafely unwrapping (implicit): let x = // error if opt is nil
Unsafely unwrapping via assignment:
let nonOpt: Type = opt // error if opt is nil
Unsafely unwrapping via parameter passing:
func someFunc(nonOpt: Type) ...
someFunc(opt) // error if opt is nil
Safely testing existence: if opt != nil { ... someFunc(opt) ... } // no error
Safely chaining: var x = opt?.property // x is also Optional, by extension
Safely coalescing nil values: var x = opt ?? nonOpt