Why does the titlecase
mess up the name? I have:
John Mark McMillan
and it turns it into:
>> \"john mark McM
You may also encounter names with two capital letters, such as McLaren, McDonald etc.
Have not spent time trying to improve it, but you could always do
# Rails.root/config/initializers/string.rb
class String
def titleize_name
self.split(" ")
.collect{|word| word[0] = word[0].upcase; word}
.join(" ").gsub(/\b('?[a-z])/) { $1.capitalize }
[2] pry(main)> "test name".titleize_name
=> "Test Name"
[3] pry(main)> "test name-name".titleize_name
=> "Test Name-Name"
[4] pry(main)> "test McName-name".titleize_name
=> "Test McName-Name"
Edited (inspired by The Tin Man's suggestion)
A hack will be:
class String
def titlecase
p "john mark McMillan".titlecase
# => "John Mark McMillan"
Note that the string 'john mark McMillan'
is inconsistent in capitalization, and is somewhat unexpected as a human input, or if it is not from a human input, you probably should not have the strings stored in that way. A string like 'john mark mc_millan'
is more consistent, and would more likely appear as a human input if you define such convention. My answer will handle these cases as well:
p "john mark mc_millan".titlecase
# => "John Mark McMillan"
The documentation for titlecase says ([emphasis added]):
Capitalizes all the words and replaces some characters in the string to create a nicer looking title. titleize is meant for creating pretty output. It is not used in the Rails internals.
I'm only guessing here, but perhaps it regards PascalCase as a problem - maybe it thinks it's the name of a ActiveRecordModelClass
Hmm, that's odd.. but you could write a quick custom regex to avoid using that method.
class String
def custom_titlecase
self.gsub(/\b\w/) { |w| w.upcase }
"John Mark McMillan".custom_titlecase # => "John Mark McMillan"
We have just added this which supports a few different cases that we face.
class String
# Default titlecase converts McKay to Mc Kay, which is not great
# May even need to remove titlecase completely in the future to leave
# strings unchanged
def self.custom_title_case(string = "")
return "" if !string.is_a?(String) || string.empty?
split = string.split(" ").collect do |word|
word = word.titlecase
# If we titlecase and it turns in to 2 words, then we need to merge back
word = word.match?(/\w/) ? word.split(" ").join("") : word
return split.join(" ")
And the rspec test
# spec/lib/modules/string_spec.rb
require 'rails_helper'
require 'modules/string'
describe "String" do
describe "self.custom_title_case" do
it "returns empty string if incorrect params" do
result_one = String.custom_title_case({ test: 'object' })
result_two = String.custom_title_case([1, 2])
result_three = String.custom_title_case()
expect(result_one).to eq("")
expect(result_two).to eq("")
expect(result_three).to eq("")
it "returns string in title case" do
result = String.custom_title_case("smiths hill")
expect(result).to eq("Smiths Hill")
it "caters for 'Mc' i.e. 'john mark McMillan' edge cases" do
result_one = String.custom_title_case("burger king McDonalds")
result_two = String.custom_title_case("john mark McMillan")
result_three = String.custom_title_case("McKay bay")
expect(result_one).to eq("Burger King McDonalds")
expect(result_two).to eq("John Mark McMillan")
expect(result_three).to eq("McKay Bay")
it "correctly cases uppercase words" do
result = String.custom_title_case("NORTH NARRABEEN")
expect(result).to eq("North Narrabeen")
If all you want is to ensure that each word starts with a capital:
class String
def titlecase2
self.split(' ').map { |w| w[0] = w[0].upcase; w }.join(' ')
irb(main):016:0> "john mark McMillan".titlecase2
=> "John Mark McMillan"