I am working on a website that is using HTML5\'s Filesystem API to write some files to a temporary file system. Is there any way I can use the Chrome Developer tools to inspect
It cost me long time to search the inspector, as other people shows in their blog . I am using v.63, it's no longer exists .
but their is another method to do it with web terminal . maybe you can do like this http://www.htmlfivewow.com/demos/terminal/terminal.html
Filesystem inspection is no longer available.
I couldn't find an official announcement, but it looks this filesystem API is going to be soon deprecated by Chrome as it was never accepted as a standard by W3C and nowadays (Jan 2017 with v.55) Google Chrome is the only web browser using it.
If you go to chrome://flags
and enable "Enable Developer Tools experiments", then go to the Experiments tab in the Dev Tools settings, there's one named "FileSystem Inspection" that might work. I haven't tried it, though.