I am trying to get EndpointArn by registration id using aws .net sdk. But i couldn\'t find a nice way to do it.
My first attempt was running CreatePlatformEndpointReque
What we did is store the endpoint ARN returned from CreatePlatformEndpoint in our application database. If we already have an endpoint ARN association for a given device registration id, we then call
getEndpointAttributes passing in the endpoint arn from our database. If a result is returned, we then check if the endpoint is marked enabled and if not then call setEndpointAttributes and set key "Enabled" to "true".
Unfortunately it doesn't look like Amazaon API offers a "findBy" method to look up by "CustomUserData" or "Token" and only has "list" methods that list all the existing endpoints which for most applications will not suffice if there are potentially thousands or millions of entries. It is almost as if API was written only to satisfy the Amazon Console UI use cases.
Also, see Amazon docs for example API requests and responses
http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sns/latest/api/API_GetEndpointAttributes.html http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sns/latest/api/API_SetEndpointAttributes.html
According to the AWS Blog at https://mobile.awsblog.com/post/Tx223MJB0XKV9RU/Mobile-token-management-with-Amazon-SNS, they also recommend that app side stores the ARN.
retrieve the latest token from the mobile OS
if (endpoint arn not stored)
# first time registration
call CreatePlatformEndpoint
store returned endpoint arn
call GetEndpointAttributes on the endpoint arn
if (getting attributes encountered NotFound exception)
#endpoint was deleted
call CreatePlatformEndpoint
store returned endpoint arn
if (token in endpoint does not match latest) or
(GetEndpointAttributes shows endpoint as disabled)
call SetEndpointAttributes to set the
latest token and enable the endpoint