In Ruby, what is the most expressive way to map an array in such a way that certain elements are modified and the others left untouched?
This is a straight-forw
It's a few lines long, but here's an alternative for the hell of it:
oa = %w| a b c |
na = oa.partition { |a| a == 'b' }
na.first.collect! { |a| a+'!' }
na.flatten! #Add .sort! here if you wish
p na
# >> ["b!", "a", "c"]
The collect with ternary seems best in my opinion.! { |a| a == "b" ? a + "!" : a }
=> ["a", "b!", "c"]
modifies the receiver in place, so old_a
is now that returned array.
Because arrays are pointers, this also works:
a = ["hello", "to", "you", "dude"] {|i| i.length <= 3 }.each {|i| i << "!" }
puts a.inspect
# => ["hello", "to!", "you!", "dude"]
In the loop, make sure you use a method that alters the object rather than creating a new object. E.g. upcase!
compared to upcase
The exact procedure depends on what exactly you are trying to achieve. It's hard to nail a definite answer with foo-bar examples.