If you always know the maximum amount of decimals you are going to have (digits after the point). Then the best practice is to use fixed point notation. That will give you an exact result while still working very fast.
The simplest manner in which to use fixed point is to simply store the number in an int of thousand parts. For example if the price always have 2 decimals you would be saving the amount of cents ($12.45 is stored in an int with value 1245 which thus would represent 1245 cents). With four decimals you would be storing pieces of ten-thousands (12.3456 would be stored in an int with value 123456 representing 123456 ten-thousandths) etc etc.
The disadvantage of this is that you would sometimes need a conversion if for example you are multiplying two values together (0.1 * 0.1 = 0.01
while 1 * 1 = 1
, the unit has changed from tenths to hundredths). And if you are going to use some other mathematical functions you also has to take things like this into consideration.
On the other hand if the amount of decimals vary a lot using fixed point is a bad idea. And if high-precision floating point calculations are needed the decimal datatype was constructed for exactly that purpose.