I am using a Tomcat that is SSL enabled, using truststores for client authentication.
I have two .jks trustore files.
The first, I use it for the PROD environmen
You can use the -importkeystore
option of keytool to import an entry from one keystore/truststore to another:
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore test.jks -destkeystore common.jks -srcalias myRootCA -destalias myRootCA_TEST -srcstorepass **** -deststorepass ****
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore prod.jks -destkeystore common.jks -srcalias myRootCA -destalias myRootCA_PROD -srcstorepass **** -deststorepass ****
The common.jks will then contain both CA to validate the client certificates. However, the application may also need to be reconfigured.