I want to automate the deployment of my application by having my ECS service launch with the latest Docker image. From what I\'ve read, the way to deploy a new image version is
The answer provided by Matt Callanan did not work for me: I received an error on this part:
--container-definitions "'$(echo $NEW_CONTAINER_DEFS)'"
Resulted in: Error parsing parameter '--container-definitions': Expected: '=', received: ''' for input:
'{ environment: [ { etc etc....
What I did to resolve it was:
TASK_FAMILY=<task familiy name>
LATEST_TASK_DEFINITION=$(aws ecs describe-task-definition --task-definition ${TASK_FAMILY})
| jq '{containerDefinitions: .taskDefinition.containerDefinitions, volumes: .taskDefinition.volumes}' \
| jq '.containerDefinitions[0].image='\"${DOCKER_IMAGE}\" \
> /tmp/tmp.json
aws ecs register-task-definition --family ${TASK_FAMILY} --cli-input-json file:///tmp/tmp.json
I take both the containerDefinitions and volumes elements from the original json document, because my containerDefinition uses these volumes (so it's not needed if you don't use volumes).
SERVICE_NAME="your service name"
TASK_FAMILY="your task defination name"
CLUSTER="your cluster name"
REGION="your region"
echo "=====================Create a new task definition for this build==========================="
sed -e "s;%BUILD_NUMBER%;${BUILD_NUMBER};g" taskdef.json > ${TASK_FAMILY}-${IMAGE_VERSION}.json
echo "=================Resgistring the task defination==========================================="
aws ecs register-task-definition --family ${TASK_FAMILY} --cli-input-json file://${TASK_FAMILY}-${IMAGE_VERSION}.json --region ${REGION}
echo "================Update the service with the new task definition and desired count================"
TASK_REVISION=`aws ecs describe-task-definition --task-definition ${TASK_FAMILY} --region ${REGION} | egrep "revision" | tr "/" " " | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/"$//'`
DESIRED_COUNT=`aws ecs describe-services --cluster ${CLUSTER} --services ${SERVICE_NAME} --region ${REGION} | jq .services[].desiredCount`
if [ ${DESIRED_COUNT} = "0" ]; then
echo "===============Updating the service=============================================================="
aws ecs update-service --cluster ${CLUSTER} --service ${SERVICE_NAME} --task-definition ${TASK_FAMILY}:${TASK_REVISION} --desired-count ${DESIRED_COUNT} --region ${REGION}
enter code here
Yes, that is the correct approach.
And no, with the current API, you can't register a new revision of an existing task definition without duplicating it.
If you didn't use the CLI to generate the original task definition (or don't want to reuse the original commands that generated it), you could try something like the following through the CLI:
OLD_TASK_DEF=$(aws ecs describe-task-definition --task-definition <task_family_name>)
NEW_CONTAINER_DEFS=$(echo $OLD_TASK_DEF | jq '.taskDefinition.containerDefinitions' | jq '.[0].image="<new_image_name>"')
aws ecs register-task-definition --family <task_family_name> --container-definitions "'$(echo $NEW_CONTAINER_DEFS)'"
Not 100% secure as the last command's --container-defintions
argument (which includes "environment"
entries) will still be visible through processes like ps
. One of the AWS SDKs would give better peace of mind.