PublishSubject with Kotlin coroutines (Flow)

前端 未结 2 2099
情深已故 2021-02-05 06:21

I used a PublishSubject and I was sending messages to it and also I was listening for results. It worked flawlessly, but now I\'m not sure how to do the same thing with Kotlin\'

  • 2021-02-05 06:41

    Flow is a cold asynchronous stream, just like an Observable.

    All transformations on the flow, such as map and filter do not trigger flow collection or execution, only terminal operators (e.g. single) do trigger it.

    The onEach method is just a transformation. Therefore you should replace it with the terminal flow operator collect. Also you could use a BroadcastChannel to have cleaner code:

    private val channel = BroadcastChannel<Boolean>(1)
    suspend fun someMethod(b: Boolean) {
    suspend fun observe() {
        .collect {
            // value received

    Update: At the time the question was asked there was an overload of debounce with two parameters (like in the question). There is not anymore. But now there is one which takes one argument in milliseconds (Long).

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  • 2021-02-05 06:51

    ArrayBroadcastChannel in Kotlin coroutines is the one most similar to PublishSubject.

    1. Like PublishSubject, an ArrayBroadcastChannel can have multiple subscribers and all the active subscribers are immediately notified.
    2. Like PublishSubject, events pushed to this channel are lost, if there are no active subscribers at the moment.

    Unlike PublishSubject, backpressure is inbuilt into the coroutine channels, and that is where the buffer capacity comes in. This number really depends on which use case the channel is being used for. For most of the normal use cases, I just go with 10, which should be more than enough. If you push events faster to this channel than receivers consuming it, you can give more capacity.

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