We have a few databases in Pricing Tier: Basic
, S0
... like below picture:
These databases were created before a new Elastic Pool is cr
You can create an elastic pool in the same server as your databases, through portal using instructions here - https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/sql-database-elastic-pool-create-portal/
Once you have created a pool, you can add existing databases to the pool using instructions here - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/sql-database/sql-database-elastic-pool#manage-an-elastic-pool-and-its-databases
Let us know if you have any further questions here.
-- srini
Fast answer if don't want to read any link, you just want do OP asked:
⚠ Take in mind that all databases you want to add to the pool should be in the same Server than the pool.
Via a CLI shell
echo "Creating $database in $pool..."
az sql db create --resource-group $resource --server $server --name $database --elastic-pool $pool
echo "Moving $database to $poolSecondary..." # create command updates an existing datatabase
az sql db create --resource-group $resource --server $server --name $database --elastic-pool $poolSecondary
I found the Microsoft page to be unclear on the actual steps of moving existing Azure SQL Databases to the Elastic Pool.
I wrote this paper to explain the steps, how to assign existing databases to the pool (from the Elastic Pool side), and preserve the existing SQL Server connection strings. That's critical to avoid recoding and testing all the applications that may be dependent on the databases that are moved.
Note that the pool only applies to one server, so you can't combine databases from multiple servers into one Elastic Pool account.
Hope this helps.
my answer is not different from gsubiran, I'm just adding some images to make people's life easier.