I have a DataTable which has 5 columns:
The DataTable contains 5 rows.
To calculate the sum of a column in a DataTable use the DataTable.Compute method.
Example of usage from the linked MSDN article:
DataTable table = dataSet.Tables["YourTableName"];
// Declare an object variable.
object sumObject;
sumObject = table.Compute("Sum(Amount)", string.Empty);
Display the result in your Total Amount Label like so:
lblTotalAmount.Text = sumObject.ToString();
You can do like..
DataRow[] dr = dtbl.Select("SUM(Amount)");
txtTotalAmount.Text = Convert.ToString(dr[0]);
public decimal Total()
decimal decTotal=(datagridview1.DataSource as DataTable).Compute("Sum(FieldName)","");
return decTotal;