I am looking for a way to rollback a helm release to its previous release without specifying the target release version as a number.
Something like helm rollback &
Unlike the previous old answers above.
According to the latest documentation, you can rollback to the previous version by simply omitting the argument in helm rollback
. Which means your command should like below to rollback to the previous version.
helm rollback <RELEASE_NAME>
Below are the steps you can rollback Using Helm:
$ helm ls
$ helm rollback RELEASE [REVISION]
As it turns out, there is an undocumented option to rollback to the last successful release by defining the target release version as 0.
like: helm rollback <RELEASE> 0
Source: https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/1796
If you just want to rollback to the previous release, you can do
helm rollback <RELEASE> 0
Using Helm
helm rollback release-name 0
Using kubectl
What does rollout/rollback in kubectl means? Rolling updates allow the following actions:
kubectl rollout undo deployment/deployment-name
kubectl rollout undo deployment/deployment-name --to-revision=0