I have used STS and now I am using IntelliJ Ultimate Edition but I am still getting the same output. My controller is not getting mapped thus showing 404 error. I am completely
It depends on a couple of properties:
property in application properties. If it's set to any value then you need to append that in your request url. If there is no such property then add this line in application.properties server.contextPath=/
property in @RequestMapping
, there does not seem to be any value and hence, as per documentation, it should map to all the methods. However, if you want it to listen to any particular method then you can set it to let's say method = HttpMethod.GET
Because of DemoApplication.class
and HelloController.class
in the same package
Locate your main application class in a root package above other classes
Take look at Spring Boot documentation Locating the Main Application Class
Using a root package also allows component scan to apply only on your project.
For example, in your case it looks like below:
In my case I used wrong port for test request - Tomcat was started with several ones exposed (including one for monitoring /actuator).