I am looking for a CSS selector for the following table:
Peter | male | 34
Susanne | female | 12
Is there any selector to match all
The syntax of this question looks like Robot Framework syntax. In this case, although there is no css selector that you can use for contains, there is a SeleniumLibrary keyword that you can use instead. The Wait Until Element Contains.
Wait Until Element Contains | ${element} | ${contains}
Wait Until Element Contains | td | male
Looks like they were thinking about it for the CSS3 spec but it didn't make the cut.
CSS3 selector http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#content-selectors
Using jQuery:
I agree the data attribute (voyager's answer) is how it should be handled, BUT, CSS rules like:
td.male { color: blue; }
td.female { color: pink; }
can often be much easier to set up, especially with client-side libs like angularjs which could be as simple as:
<td class="{{person.gender}}">
Just make sure that the content is only one word! Or you could even map to different CSS class names with:
<td ng-class="{'masculine': person.isMale(), 'feminine': person.isFemale()}">
For completeness, here's the data attribute approach:
<td data-gender="{{person.gender}}">
As CSS lacks this feature you will have to use JavaScript to style cells by content. For example with XPath's contains
var elms = document.evaluate( "//td[contains(., 'male')]", node, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null )
Then use the result like so:
for ( var i=0 ; i < elms.snapshotLength; i++ ){
elms.snapshotItem(i).style.background = "pink";
@voyager's answer about using data-*
attribute (e.g. data-gender="female|male"
is the most effective and standards compliant approach as of 2017:
[data-gender='male'] {background-color: #000; color: #ccc;}
Pretty much most goals can be attained as there are some albeit limited selectors oriented around text. The ::first-letter is a pseudo-element that can apply limited styling to the first letter of an element. There is also a ::first-line pseudo-element besides obviously selecting the first line of an element (such as a paragraph) also implies that it is obvious that CSS could be used to extend this existing capability to style specific aspects of a textNode.
Until such advocacy succeeds and is implemented the next best thing I could suggest when applicable is to explode
words using a space deliminator, output each individual word inside of a span
element and then if the word/styling goal is predictable use in combination with :nth selectors:
$p = explode(' ',$words);
foreach ($p as $key1 => $value1)
echo '<span>'.$value1.'</span>;
Else if not predictable to, again, use voyager's answer about using data-*
attribute. An example using PHP:
$p = explode(' ',$words);
foreach ($p as $key1 => $value1)
echo '<span data-word="'.$value1.'">'.$value1.'</span>;